White House Dodges Anthrax Questions


Staff member
Bush Administration Stonewalls On Production of Documents Concerning Decision to Put Staff on Cipro Beginning September 11, 2001
Brentwood Postal Workers Denied Treatment While White House Protected Itself


(Gold9472: I recommend everyone watch "The Anthrax Attacks (History Channel, UK, 2004)"


(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, said today that the Bush administration has failed to provide a complete and accurate response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning the decision to place White House staff on a regimen of the powerful antibiotic, Cipro, the same day as the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. By contrast, U.S. Postal Service workers from Washington, DC’s Brentwood Postal Facility – Judicial Watch clients – were denied antibiotic treatment, even after it became apparent that the Brentwood facility had been contaminated. Judicial Watch represents the Brentwood Postal workers in various legal proceedings against government officials who put their lives in jeopardy. So far, 8 postal workers have died and hundreds remain harmed by the lethal exposure.

Despite multiple press reports confirming that White House staff began use of Cipro on September 11, 2001, the incomplete and evasive FOIA response from The White House consisted of a paltry, four e-mail messages and an “administrative alert” concerning testing procedures in reaction to the anthrax deaths of two postal workers, all of which were dated October 23 and October 24, 2001. Judicial Watch has appealed the FOIA response and will take strong legal action to uncover the truth despite the obstructionist tactics of the administration.

“The Bush administration has an established reputation for secrecy and obfuscation when it comes to answering straight-forward questions that are clearly in the interest of the American people. Unfortunately, the Bush administration is incredibly even less transparent and accountable than the criminal enterprise the Clintons ran out of The White House during their regime. There’s a disturbing trend of denying the American public access to information that keeps politicians accountable. We will not stand for it,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.