Which Category Do You Fit In?

Which Category Regarding 9/11 Do You Fit In

  • You Completely Believe The Official Story

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You Believe It, But You Think They Used It

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You Think They Let It Happen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You Think They Made It Happen

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Which Category Do You Fit In?

Dr. David Ray Griffin has often spoke of four different categories of people in regards to 9/11.

1) People who completely believe the "Official Story".
2) People who completely believe the "Official Story", but think the Bush Administration used 9/11 to further their agenda.
3) People who think the Bush Administration knew of the events, and let them happen to further their agenda.
4) People who think the Bush Administration made the events happen, to further their agenda.

After listening to Cynthia McKinney on Hannity & Colmes ask "What did they know?" in regards to 9/11, it obviously made me think that she was in the third category.

How can that be? She's clearly heard, and read all of the inconsistencies hasn't she? She's good friends with Michael Ruppert, John Judge, and Wayne Madsen isn't she? Why would Cynthia only refer to the third category of people?

After giving it some thought, it occurred to me that it's VERY possible the majority of people within the "9/11 Truth Movement" fit within the 3rd category of people.

Think about it. How many of us have the time to do the necessary research to get into the 4th category of people? I would think, based on the amount of people who have families, and the amount of people who have 2, sometimes 3 jobs, the majority of people who at least think they "let it happen" might actually be greater than those who think they "made it happen".

It's very possible Cynthia McKinney thinks her "in" is by "foreknowledge". Not her "in" to get Bush behind bars. Her "in" to get the people's support to get Bush behind bars.

Am I crazy?

Incidentally, ALL FOUR CATEGORIES of people, whether they like each other or not, are in this together. Unless of course you want a Revolution in this country.

Hasn't there been enough unnecessary death in the world?

For those of you in the first two categories, all I can say is this... don't listen to what those of us in 3 and 4 are saying. Look into it for yourselves.

I have always said that I'm not smarter than anyone else. I've just DONE the research.

It's time for you to DO the research. At least give those of us in 3 and 4 that much.
John, i see you deleted the other poll from last nite and re-did it, because i voted and posted a message :)

Anyway, i'm MIHOP. i'm 100% convinced that Bush and Co. planned, and orchestrated 9/11, on purpose for his/their own agenda.
BoneZ said:
John, i see you deleted the other poll from last nite and re-did it, because i voted and posted a message :)

Anyway, i'm MIHOP. i'm 100% convinced that Bush and Co. planned, and orchestrated 9/11, on purpose for his/their own agenda.

what about those who, like myself, guess that the most likely scenario is HIHOP: Helped It Happen On Purpose.

To clarify. There were planes, possibly even hijacked by Arab 'terrorists' , who may or may not have been duped into the plot by the CIA or by the shadowy organisation called AQ. They crashed into the Twin Towers and possibly even the Pentagon - though I agree we should clear off that subject for now and concentrate on WTC and the NORAD stand-down - but did not cause their sudden collapse. That was the result of pre-planted explosives aided by thermite.

In short, they exploted a known or planned attack and used it as cover for a much bigger crime.

Or is that just MIHOP?
AndrewLoweWatson said:
what about those who, like myself, guess that the most likely scenario is HIHOP: Helped It Happen On Purpose.

To clarify. There were planes, possibly even hijacked by Arab 'terrorists' , who may or may not have been duped into the plot by the CIA or by the shadowy organisation called AQ. They crashed into the Twin Towers and possibly even the Pentagon - though I agree we should clear off that subject for now and concentrate on WTC and the NORAD stand-down - but did not cause their sudden collapse. That was the result of pre-planted explosives aided by thermite.

In short, they exploted a known or planned attack and used it as cover for a much bigger crime.

Or is that just MIHOP?

:) Yes.
There you are Jon, that's our theme song.

""Hi-hop, hi-hop, we'll lobby till we drop ''

or better still,

''Hi-hop, hi-hop, the lying has to stop''

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I'm in category 6.. I think gb and co. should be tortured at gitmo until they fess up, and a complete restructuring of the United states Govt so it is once again, by the ppl, FOR the ppl, not to CONTROL the ppl
I voted for 4

Way to much covering up to be anything else.

after all, they pulled building 7. Do you think they ran in there right quick, set up the demoltions and had a controled demo to bring 7 down?

It takes time to set all that up