Which 9/11 Documentary About The Families Struggle For Truth Does Reuter's Report On?


Staff member
Docu explores 9/11 Commission's findings


(Gold9472: NOT 9/11: Press For Truth. You can write letters to the editor here.)

By Barry Garron
Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:30pm ET

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - A few months ago, rabidly right-wing Ann Coulter made celebrity noise to plug her new book by asserting that widows of September 11 were exploiting the memories of their deceased spouses and were, in fact, better off now than before the World Trade Center towers fell.

Such morbidly cruel remarks don't merit a response, but there is an elegant rebuttal nonetheless in "On Native Soil," a 90-minute documentary to be telecast without commercial interruptions.

The work, exec produced by Jeff Hays and Linda Ellman (who also directed), retells the story of the al-Qaida attack and its aftermath. It uses as its frame of reference the work of the 9/11 Commission. Great pains are taken to point out that the commission, initially opposed by the Bush administration, would not have been formed were it not for the persistence of families of September 11 victims.

There are no great surprises here, which is fine because the truth is shocking enough. The strength of this work is its ability to organize a wide assortment of facts and testimony into a coherent picture of how the hijackings occurred and how government agencies repeatedly bungled the situation.

Bits of interviews with surviving family members keep the docu from becoming too clinical and constantly remind viewers of the human loss that continues to be felt. With plots and acts of terror ongoing, "On Native Soil" also serves as an important reminder of what remains to be done.
Letter To The Editor,

Dear sir or ma'am. On 8/19/2006, the "Hollywood Reporter" reported on a new documentary being released entitled, "On Native Soil". It was reported in an article entitled, "Docu explored 9/11 Commission's findings".

There is another documentary that was just released entitled, "9/11: Press For Truth" which also tells of the families struggle for truth. You can find out about the movie at www.911pressfortruth.com

I hope that the "Hollywood Reporter" will take the time to watch the film, and report on it as you have for "On Native Soil".

Thank You.


Jon Gold
DVD releases memorialize September 11 anniversary


(Gold9472: Did I do that? Naaaaaah...)

By Thomas K. Arnold Fri Sep 1, 12:22 PM ET

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - With the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaching, several new DVDs touch upon the tragic events of that day.

A two-disc edition of "United 93," a docudrama about the passenger revolt aboard one of the hijacked jets, comes out Tuesday with two bonus documentaries.

The 48-minute "Chasing Planes: Witnesses to 9/11" chronicles the day through the eyes of the civilian and military ground control personnel. "United 93: The Families and the Film" (50 minutes) features interviews with family members of the passengers and their interactions with the actors.

A single-disc DVD edition of the Universal Studios release also is available, with only the documentary about the families.

Lionsgate last week released "On Native Soil: The Documentary of the 9/11 Commission Report," an extended version of the documentary, narrated by Kevin Costner and Hilary Swank, that aired in August on Court TV. The DVD includes additional interviews with some of the family members as well as a photo gallery and the full report, which can be downloaded and printed.

Vivendi Visual Entertainment on September 12 will release "The Great New Wonderful," a comedy-drama with five interconnected storylines set in New York City less than one year after 9/11. One follows an orthodox psychologist who strives to unearth the suppressed rage of an ordinary office worker who lost several coworkers in the attack on the World Trade Center.

Also up: The Disinformation Company's "9/11 Press for Truth" (September 12), based on Paul Thompson's controversial book, "The Complete 9/11 Timeline," and Docurama's "Parallel Lines" (September 26), about director Nina Davenport's post-9/11 road trip to see what ordinary citizens had to say about the attacks.