Time for the true story about 9/11
by Matthew Hine, M.D., M.P.H.
The radical Bush Doctrine in foreign policy is founded on the official story of 9/11. The administration used our fear of terrorism to sway public opinion and justify its actions. We are slowly awakening to how the Bush administration manipulated our support for its preemptive invasion of Iraq, but most are still asleep.
According to a survey done by Stars and Stripes, 85% of our troops believe they are in Iraq because of Saddam Hussein's involvement in the attacks of 9/11/01. Much of the public believes the report of the 9/11 Commission provided a correct account of the events of that day. These beliefs are based on a misunderstanding of the facts.
Saddam Hussein was not connected to the 9/11 attacks, and the 9/11 Commission’s report is full of omissions and distortions. One of the largest is that it did not mention Building 7. This building was not hit by an aircraft, but it crumbled just the same. Evidence shows that Building 7 was demolished by pre-positioned explosives.
The Presidential 9/11 Commission report was more political exculpation than documentation of truth. It was subtitled “Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.” They dismissed anything not fitting into that preconceived paradigm. There was no mention of Building 7 or the anthrax attacks.
The reason Building 7 is not mentioned by the Commission is that it’s hard to explain how a terrorist attack could have included pre-positioned explosives that brought down a 47 story concrete and steel building.
Dr. Steven Jones, a physics professor from Brigham Young University questions the official explanation of what happened at the World Trade Center, thinking that the buildings were brought down by explosives. He is a member of a group of academics called Scholars for 9/11 Truth, calling for a fuller investigation of the collapses.
The official government story is a conspiracy theory, namely that 19 hijackers conspired, under the guidance of a man in a cave, to defeat the most sophisticated air defense system in the world.
The very day after 9/11, the media told us that the plot had been hatched by Osama bin Laden, and soon the FBI showed us photos of the 19 hijackers. Several weeks later, many were puzzled by the BBC report of the apparently fireproof passport of one of the hijackers, found on a sidewalk several blocks from the Twin Towers. Some wondered whether the document had been planted after the BBC reported at least four of the nineteen hijackers had turned up alive and well in Saudi Arabia.
WTC 7’s destruction was broadcast by CBS. Dan Rather, uncensored live on 9/11, said it had the appearance of “A building deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite”. Real time videos and reports of eyewitness testimony from reporters and fire fighters have surfaced, demonstrating that a controlled demolition took place. These videos and testimony are available at http://www.911truestory.com
Physical evidence including searing sub-basement temperatures and sulfur from cutting charges, shows explosives were used to cut through the core support columns below ground level.
The government’s own investigators admit they have no reasonable explanation for what happened to WTC 7. Alas, they did not consider controlled demolition.
Regarding WTC7, the FEMA report states "Prior to September 11, 2001, there was little, if any, record of fire-induced collapse of large fire-protected steel buildings."
If you dropped a steel beam from the top of the 47 story Building 7, it would take about 6 seconds to hit the ground. WTC7 actually hit the ground in about 7 seconds, at nearly free fall speed. If each collapsing floor hit the floor below and paused for only 1/2 second, the time to crumble into a pile only 2 stories high would have been over 20 seconds. WTC7 had multiple steel core and perimeter support columns. In order for it to be brought down into its own tight footprint, all the core and perimeter columns would have to be broken at essentially the same time. The only way this can happen is through controlled demolition, using pre-positioned explosives. If WTC7 was brought down by explosives, what happened to the Twin Towers?
In a gross misrepresentation, the 9/11 Commission explained their version of the "pancake theory" collapse: The cores of the Twin Towers were hollow, comprised only of stairwells and elevator shafts. In truth, each of the Twin Towers contained dozens of solid central steel support columns.
There is a widespread cultural taboo against noticing the inadequacy of our government’s explanations. This is because the implications are too disturbing for most to consider.
In March 2003, Dick Cheney summarized the myth used to justify the Bush Doctrine: “We saw on 9/11 nineteen men hijack aircraft with airline tickets and box cutters kill more than 3,000 Americans in a couple of hours.”
Once the facts are widely known, future generations may point to Cheney’s statement as the Big Lie of our time. It fooled our citizens into supporting
actions they otherwise would have opposed.
Now is the time for a truly independent look at the evidence. It's time for a special prosecutor.
by Matthew Hine, M.D., M.P.H.
The radical Bush Doctrine in foreign policy is founded on the official story of 9/11. The administration used our fear of terrorism to sway public opinion and justify its actions. We are slowly awakening to how the Bush administration manipulated our support for its preemptive invasion of Iraq, but most are still asleep.
According to a survey done by Stars and Stripes, 85% of our troops believe they are in Iraq because of Saddam Hussein's involvement in the attacks of 9/11/01. Much of the public believes the report of the 9/11 Commission provided a correct account of the events of that day. These beliefs are based on a misunderstanding of the facts.
Saddam Hussein was not connected to the 9/11 attacks, and the 9/11 Commission’s report is full of omissions and distortions. One of the largest is that it did not mention Building 7. This building was not hit by an aircraft, but it crumbled just the same. Evidence shows that Building 7 was demolished by pre-positioned explosives.
The Presidential 9/11 Commission report was more political exculpation than documentation of truth. It was subtitled “Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.” They dismissed anything not fitting into that preconceived paradigm. There was no mention of Building 7 or the anthrax attacks.
The reason Building 7 is not mentioned by the Commission is that it’s hard to explain how a terrorist attack could have included pre-positioned explosives that brought down a 47 story concrete and steel building.
Dr. Steven Jones, a physics professor from Brigham Young University questions the official explanation of what happened at the World Trade Center, thinking that the buildings were brought down by explosives. He is a member of a group of academics called Scholars for 9/11 Truth, calling for a fuller investigation of the collapses.
The official government story is a conspiracy theory, namely that 19 hijackers conspired, under the guidance of a man in a cave, to defeat the most sophisticated air defense system in the world.
The very day after 9/11, the media told us that the plot had been hatched by Osama bin Laden, and soon the FBI showed us photos of the 19 hijackers. Several weeks later, many were puzzled by the BBC report of the apparently fireproof passport of one of the hijackers, found on a sidewalk several blocks from the Twin Towers. Some wondered whether the document had been planted after the BBC reported at least four of the nineteen hijackers had turned up alive and well in Saudi Arabia.
WTC 7’s destruction was broadcast by CBS. Dan Rather, uncensored live on 9/11, said it had the appearance of “A building deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite”. Real time videos and reports of eyewitness testimony from reporters and fire fighters have surfaced, demonstrating that a controlled demolition took place. These videos and testimony are available at http://www.911truestory.com
Physical evidence including searing sub-basement temperatures and sulfur from cutting charges, shows explosives were used to cut through the core support columns below ground level.
The government’s own investigators admit they have no reasonable explanation for what happened to WTC 7. Alas, they did not consider controlled demolition.
Regarding WTC7, the FEMA report states "Prior to September 11, 2001, there was little, if any, record of fire-induced collapse of large fire-protected steel buildings."
If you dropped a steel beam from the top of the 47 story Building 7, it would take about 6 seconds to hit the ground. WTC7 actually hit the ground in about 7 seconds, at nearly free fall speed. If each collapsing floor hit the floor below and paused for only 1/2 second, the time to crumble into a pile only 2 stories high would have been over 20 seconds. WTC7 had multiple steel core and perimeter support columns. In order for it to be brought down into its own tight footprint, all the core and perimeter columns would have to be broken at essentially the same time. The only way this can happen is through controlled demolition, using pre-positioned explosives. If WTC7 was brought down by explosives, what happened to the Twin Towers?
In a gross misrepresentation, the 9/11 Commission explained their version of the "pancake theory" collapse: The cores of the Twin Towers were hollow, comprised only of stairwells and elevator shafts. In truth, each of the Twin Towers contained dozens of solid central steel support columns.
There is a widespread cultural taboo against noticing the inadequacy of our government’s explanations. This is because the implications are too disturbing for most to consider.
In March 2003, Dick Cheney summarized the myth used to justify the Bush Doctrine: “We saw on 9/11 nineteen men hijack aircraft with airline tickets and box cutters kill more than 3,000 Americans in a couple of hours.”
Once the facts are widely known, future generations may point to Cheney’s statement as the Big Lie of our time. It fooled our citizens into supporting
actions they otherwise would have opposed.
Now is the time for a truly independent look at the evidence. It's time for a special prosecutor.