The "Congress Is Shameful" 9/11 First Responder Fund-Raiser


Staff member
The "Congress Is Shameful" 9/11 First Responder Fund-Raiser

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Do you see this? Do you see it? Make sure you look at it REALLY hard. The FealGood Foundation went through the trouble of making a movie called "Save The Brave" for the purposes of influencing our elected officials in Washington D.C. so they pass a bill to make sure they get the help they need.

Instead, they cared more about bailing out the Wall Street "fat cats," than helping our heroes at a time when they need us. Just as we needed them.

That is unforgivable. But what should we expect from a Congress that cares more about the corporations than the people?

Please give anything you can. $1, $5, $1,000,000.00 (I'm looking at you Rosie, and Charlie). Either do it through this fund-raiser, or do it by directly contacting the FealGood Foundation. Please just give something.

Thank you.

One of the responders in the film died not long ago. His name was Greg Quibell. This fund-raiser is dedicated to he and his family. Rest in peace Greg.