Rep. Curt Weldon Refers To The 93 Bombings As Something We Should Know About


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Rep. Curt Weldon Refers To The 93 Bombings As Something We Should Know About

(Gold9472: Thanks to Les Jamieson for this tidbit. He seems to think Rep. Weldon may have read the stuff that I dropped off for him... Naaaaaah.)


"WELDON: We've received assurances that the hearings will go forward.

But the other thing that we have to look at, Lou, and you have had another guest on your show recently, why did the 9/11 Commission pick 1996 and not go back beyond that? There is some very interesting material that needs to be tied in. The '93 attack on the Trade Center. The blind Sheiks trial. None of that was looked at by the 9/11 Commission, and the American people need to ask the question why.

We will be asking that question during the Able Danger hearings."
1993 WTC Bombing

And here's a couple links about the 1993 INSIDE JOB - and comment regarding Fitgerald investigation.

Fitzgerald is a long time asset of the "secret government" if you will. He was sent in as prosecutor in 1994 trial of Abdel Rahman and others accused of terrorism plot in NYC. His job quite simply was to obscure the fact that the entire plot had been hatched by an agent of the FBI Amad Selem - using FBI safe houses,bomb materials, etc. This was the same Salem who had actually built and planted the bombs in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing also under contract and instruction from the FBI. Fitgerald - lionized in the US media for his courage and integrity, bla, bla, is most definitely a big part of the problem and not our salvation. But don't despair, there are many prepared to take matters into their own hands. Exposing the 1993 conspiracy is easilly done thanks to the recordings made by Salem of his conversations with the FBI.