Remembering The "Lessons Of September The 11th"
President Bush seems to think that we have a poor memory. He seems to think that we're just not that bright.
We've got news for you President Bush. The "Lessons Of September The 11th" will be something we will NEVER forget.
Since 9/11, we have learned about things like what an "Anthrax Attack" is.
We've learned about organizations like "The Project For The New American Century", and the "Aspen Strategy Group".
We've learned that our media isn't interested in the truth.
We've learned that our Government is trying to take away our rights granted to us by the Constitution, and whatever you consider to be "The Creator".
We've learned about companies like Halliburton, and Bechtel.
We've learned that corporations like them control our Government.
We've learned what it means to be abandoned on your own soil.
We've learned what happens when your Government lies you into war.
We've EVEN learned what it means to torture a child.
As memorable as these lessons are President Bush, the worst "Lesson Of September The 11th" we've had to learn is the fact that...
So you see President Bush... we're not as forgetful as you think we are.
President Bush seems to think that we have a poor memory. He seems to think that we're just not that bright.
We've got news for you President Bush. The "Lessons Of September The 11th" will be something we will NEVER forget.
Since 9/11, we have learned about things like what an "Anthrax Attack" is.
We've learned about organizations like "The Project For The New American Century", and the "Aspen Strategy Group".
We've learned that our media isn't interested in the truth.
We've learned that our Government is trying to take away our rights granted to us by the Constitution, and whatever you consider to be "The Creator".
We've learned about companies like Halliburton, and Bechtel.
We've learned that corporations like them control our Government.
We've learned what it means to be abandoned on your own soil.
We've learned what happens when your Government lies you into war.
We've EVEN learned what it means to torture a child.
As memorable as these lessons are President Bush, the worst "Lesson Of September The 11th" we've had to learn is the fact that...
So you see President Bush... we're not as forgetful as you think we are.