Rawradio To Play Joan Baez Concert Tonight From Camp Casey - 9PM EST


Staff member
Raw Radio to carry concert by legendary folk singer in Crawford


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RAW RADIO'S Brad Friedman will be the exclusive online broadcaster of folk legend Joan Baez's concert outside President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch Tuesday evening at 9 pm ET / 6 pm PT.

The show, hosted by Brad Blog's Brad Friedman, is part of a continuing series of broadcasts and interviews on the ground at "Camp Casey," where anti-war protesters are holding vigil, seeking an audience with President Bush.

Bush has not met the protesters.

The protest was launched by the now-iconic Cindy Sheehan, a California mother who lost her son in Iraq, who has said her throng will not depart until Bush comes out to answer questions about his war in Iraq. Sheehan herself is now in California tending to her ailing mother, who recently suffered a stroke.

Brad Friedman hosts Raw Radio's Brad Show, live Saturday nights from 7-11 p.m. ET, repeating Sunday noon-4 p.m. PT, a joint project of Brad Blog and RAW STORY. He is raising money at BradShow.com to help defray costs of the trip – you can support him and Raw Radio by clicking here. Even a few dollars is appreciated.

Brad has interviewed dozens of prominent figures in the news since the inception of his show in April. His guests have included Sheehan, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, erstwhile Rep. Chris Bell, David Cobb, HBO/NBC's Jim Lampley, Iraq war vets, whistleblowers and journalists.
Heh... if you click on the link, you can hear them talking... you can hear the commotion at Camp Casey... pretty cool..