Michael Ruppert Presentation - June 2nd - Audio Inside

I have to say, it was a very powerful presentation. I also have to say that as much as I understand what he's saying about 9/11, I don't agree. BTW... it's fine not to agree with people like Ruppert. It doesn't mean he's a "Disinformationist". It means we have a difference of opinion. Mike is basically saying that the 9/11 Movement had their chance to make a difference, to ensure that Bush wasn't re-elected in November, etc... and that opportunity is gone. I don't think the purpose of the 9/11 Truth Movement is not to decide elections. I think the purpose of the 9/11 Truth Movement is to bring about the truth of 9/11, and to hold those responsible, accountable. I think we still have the ability to do that, and it's a shame that he no longer feels that way. Oh well. His information is still as sound as can be...
I think its safe to say that Bush did NOT win the election, in that regards the 9/11 movement was successful. Unfortunately due to corruption and vote tampering, he still got back into office. I think Ace had some statistics on how based on the exit polls, it was virtually impossible for Bush to win.

The future he paints for us is pretty bleak.