March Of The Conspiracy Theorists


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March Of The Conspiracy Theorists

Sept. 26, 2005

The terms "brain trust" and "Cynthia McKinney" do not roll off the tongue like "peanut butter and jelly." But that's how the press release advertised a series of "Brain Trust" panels moderated by Rep. McKinney this past weekend at the Congressional Black Caucus's annual legislative conference. The topic: "The 9/11 Omission: Did the Commission Get it Wrong?"

For the September 23rd meeting at the Washington Convention Center, McKinney assembled three teams of panelists to tackle issues related to "The Road to 9/11," "The Road Since 9/11," and "What the Commissioners Chose to Ignore." After each panelist addressed the 50 or 60 members of the audience, they were questioned by three experts from the "9/11 community," a group dedicated to exposing the government's malfeasance in regards to the terrorist attacks.

On their face, the topics of the panels were not totally ridiculous or far-fetched. After all, Rep. Curt Weldon, a Republican from Pennsylvania, has spent months informing the public about the Department of Defense program Able Danger. The intelligence gathering program may have identified Mohammed Atta and other 9/11 hijackers as threats in the months prior to the attacks, but the 9/11 Commission all but ignored the program in its final report.

Weldon was on the panel's itinerary, but did not appear at the event. (Weldon's office says they never confirmed the representative's appearance at the conference.) Judging from some of the other speakers and questioners at the event, it's no surprise that he wanted nothing to do with it.

McKinney has long lived on the lunatic fringe of leftist politics. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, she claimed that President Bush was aware of "numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11," and that by doing nothing he and his cronies could "make huge profits off America's new war."

Voters in Georgia's 4th district were outraged. She was defeated by Denise Majette in the 2002 Democratic primary. But McKinney and her supporters saw a more sinister reason for her defeat. Her father appeared on an Atlanta TV station to explain why traditional campaign methods like gathering endorsements had failed his daughter: "Jews have bought everybody," he explained. "J-E-W-S."

McKinney reclaimed her seat in 2004 when Majette threw her hat in the ring for the Senate seat vacated by Zell Miller. McKinney has since picked up right where she left off; her "brain trust" panels were stocked with like-minded conspiracy theorists.

Wayne Madsen, author of the Wayne Madsen Report, was one of three questioners of the panelists. His hatred of all things George W. Bush, and love of all things conspiratorial, almost rises to self-parody. In a November, 2002 article in CounterPunch, a progressive newsletter, he had this convoluted analysis of Karl Rove's role in McKinney's reelection campaign:

Undoubtedly, Rove was also behind the campaign to "get" Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politician to question what Bush may have known beforehand about 9-11. She was defeated by a former Republican state judge who had supported the wacky Alan Keyes for President in 2000. Never mind, McKinney was "less with Bush" than Keyes, so it was more important to get McKinney who was "more against" Bush.

Michael Ruppert, the grand-daddy of all conspiracy theorists was also a questioner. Ruppert has long made waves in conspiracy theory circles, claiming, for instance, that the CIA was responsible for flooding America's inner cities with drugs in the 1970s and beyond. According to the biography supplied at the conference, he has spent the last several years as "the point man in breaking major stories involving government foreknowledge [of 9/11], corruption and violations of the Constitution."

The panelists were of a similar bent. One of the featured speakers was David Ray Griffin. He spent his allotted time informing the audience that the Twin Towers collapsed not because two planes loaded down with jet fuel smashed into them at hundreds of miles per hour. Rather, a series of timed detonations brought down the buildings. Detonations placed by the government. "Hmm," the crowd murmured knowingly.

McKinney had also hoped that Senator Mark Dayton would appear at the panels. Dayton, a fellow Democrat, lambasted NORAD for its failures on 9/11 before a congressional hearing on the 9/11 Commission's report. Because he could not make it, McKinney played an audiotape of Dayton's impassioned testimony. After the tape stopped, McKinney ominously intoned that "shortly after his testimony, Dayton announced he wasn't running for the Senate again." Knowing murmurs again ensued.

When questions were allowed from the audience, one of the first was about Dayton's decision not to seek another term. Ruppert claimed that two words could explain why the Minnesotan wouldn't run again: Paul Wellstone.

Ruppert, it turns out, believes that Wellstone was killed for his outspoken opposition to the war in Iraq. And this is not the first time Republicans have murdered political opponents shortly before an election. The 2000 plane crash that took the life of Missouri Senate candidate Mel Carnahan was also a murder, according to Ruppert.

Barbara Rosenberg, a microbiologist and expert in biological weapons, suggested that the postal anthrax attacks were part of a government effort to test America's preparedness for a biological attack.

To complete the scene, even Ward Churchill made an appearance, and he was happy with what he heard. "I liked the overall tenor," the University of Colorado chairman said. "The straightforward delivery was refreshing."

And, in its own way, informative.
This, like the recent AP article, is an absolute travesty. This article PROVES beyond the shadow of doubt that "truth" is just as foreign to our Government, and the media as E.T. was to earth.

It's so easy to make us sound crazy when you don't include the why's and wherefore's...

For instance, if I were to say, "Dr. David Ray Griffin claims the World Trade Center was filled with explosives", and finish the sentence there, the "normal" person would think, "What are you, fucking crazy?".

However, if I were to say, "Dr. David Ray Griffin, a respected theologian, claims the World Trade Center was filled with explosives. His analysis is based on the fact that, etc...", I guarantee the "normal" person would be more prone to listen, HENCE the reason CBS and AP used this slanderous style of writing.

Just give us a 2 hour program. During prime time. I DARE them to give us just that.

Dazinith described this as a "Bill O'Reilly Style Attack". He's absolutely right.
Presentation is all-important as you well note. A few changes in a presentation and it become compelling rather than scary.

I have been communicating with Cynthia, or starting. A very good friend has for a long time encouraged me to do so as he had worked with her before he suddenly died. I do not trust those who have sworn to the corporation, and even through she seems for real, you can see how they toy with her. Even in her confrontations on the floor of the congress is just a joke for them.

The problem being set up by the press are easily cared for by dropping the excess fat from the arsenal of facts. IE The fact that George Bush's grandfather laundered money for the Nazi's well into the war does not prove he was a Nazi, just a greedy businessman. Many would find little fault with that, only the moral issue. But if you mix metaphor the two, you will alienate a vast majority just on using the metaphor. That is what the mass media thrive on doing, pouncing on rancid meat like flies. Many Americans will not allow you to draw any conclusion to a grandfathers influence. So, we don't need it either.

I think there are enough problems in the physical destruction of the buildings and the response, or non-response of our government to convince any judge that a proper investigation culminating in action must take place. The problem is finding a Constitutional court in the corporate United States. Under their maritine jurisprudence there is no redress.

But there are people that think it is ok to walk down the street and be searched. The right to refuse is admission that you have something to hide. This is the way of the Kings to their serfs not the sovereigns in their homeland.
It doesn't prove he was a Nazi, but at this point in the game, with the Military Industrial Complex taking control, I would have no problem in using that term to describe the powers that be... in fact, I have... ;)