Lorie Van Auken Refuses To See "World Trade Center"


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World Trade Center': Reviews and Insight


August 9, 2006 - Reviewers at the New York Times and Newsweek hailed it. So did Gene Shalit at Today. Our reviewer, Ken Turan, dissed it. As you must have heard by now, there are no neutral reactions to Oliver Stone's World Trade Center, which debuts nationally today. And you'll hear more opinions this afternoon on Talk of the Nation.

One of the best-known "9/11 widows," Lorie Van Auken, tells me that she went to see a comedy recently. She settled into her seat, waiting to laugh -- and then the trailer for Stone's movie exploded across the screen. "And I see people trapped under the rubble and I start crying and running hysterically out of the theater," Lorie says.

Her husband, Kenneth, worked on top of the North Tower, in the investment firm Cantor Fitzgerald. Lorie and other family survivors played a key role in pressuring Congress and the federal commission to investigate Sept. 11. "I am not going to see the movie," she says. "I've spent five years imagining a million different ways of how my husband was trapped and died, and I've seen a lot of them in my nightmares. I can't handle going to a theater and watching them."

Lorie says she doesn't begrudge Stone for making the film, but says "If I had made it, I would have made it a lot more political and investigative. There are still so many questions about Sept. 11 that the government has never answered."
Damn straight. It's fantastic that she could make a statement about unanswered questions in such a powerful context.

I've been more preoccupied than usual with the people who died on 9/11. I think about what it would be like to choose between burning up and jumping from the 90th floor. I think about Kevin Cosgrove (whose 911 call was recorded) and wonder what was happening right at the end when he was screaming "Oh God!"

This movie is bullshit propaganda, and to think that it caused this woman EVEN MORE PAIN makes me very, very pissed.
casseia said:
Damn straight. It's fantastic that she could make a statement about unanswered questions in such a powerful context.

I've been more preoccupied than usual with the people who died on 9/11. I think about what it would be like to choose between burning up and jumping from the 90th floor. I think about Kevin Cosgrove (whose 911 call was recorded) and wonder what was happening right at the end when he was screaming "Oh God!"

This movie is bullshit propaganda, and to think that it caused this woman EVEN MORE PAIN makes me very, very pissed.
i have a feeling Cosgrove saw the charges going off :(

I like to think that God exists, if only to ask Him to exert Himself to wreak truly Biblical vengeance on the monsters who demolished the Twin Towers while people were still inside.

If anyone out there knows anything about what really happened that day, let them speak now or face an eternity of self-disgust and remorse.
"...Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."

Romans 12:19

those bastards will get what they deserve
I've been more preoccupied than usual with the people who died on 9/11. I think about what it would be like to choose between burning up and jumping from the 90th floor.
Me too. What started it all off for was that damn show on the other night "On Native Soil." A hack documentary at best. Terrorrists, indeed. But they showed the people jumping, and a few other visually disturbing sequences. I mean I've been a little weepy (more apt to get choked up) around this time of the year since 9/11. And I've noticed that every year since it's the same thing, it's not getting any less. When 9/11 happened, I was recovering from a deep tissue infection that was the result of a gunshot wound about two inches from my special area. I didn't get treated for it at a hospital due to legal ramifications. (long story) And when it happened, my immune system was so shot , and I was so wiped, I cried like a baby right down to ground zero. Must have been quite a sight now that I think of it. A guy on rollerbades heading downtown, sobbing hysterically. Don't missunderstand, the wound was healed, but the infection was in me (almost gone thanx to keflex and cipro). But I was still a fuckin mess. I feel like you women must when you have the monthlies, only mine is but once a year.