"Jersey Girls" - Regarding The Release Of The CIA Inspector General's Report
Regarding the Release of the CIA Inspector General's Report post- 9/11
(Gold9472: Remember what Kristen Breitweiser said. If this report isn't released, "all hell is going to break loose".)
Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 12:56 PM
Statement of September 11th Advocates
For Immediate Release -- August 25, 2005
We are deeply disturbed to learn that an investigation of the CIA, conducted at the direction of the Joint House and Senate Congressional Intelligence Committees in 2002, will not be declassified and released as soon as possible.
This report presumably discusses failures within the CIA and identifies performance deficiencies among high-ranking CIA officials. The findings in this report must be shared with all members of Congress and with the American public to ensure that the problems identified are addressed and corrected, thus moving to restore faith in this agency.
We call for the immediate release of this report. To shield CIA officials from accountability and to continue to cover-up deficiencies in that agency puts the safety of our nation at risk. Four years post 9-11 this is truly unacceptable.
September 11th Advocates
Kristen Breitweiser
Patty Casazza
Monica Gabrielle
Mindy Kleinberg
Lorie Van Auken
Regarding the Release of the CIA Inspector General's Report post- 9/11
(Gold9472: Remember what Kristen Breitweiser said. If this report isn't released, "all hell is going to break loose".)
Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 12:56 PM
Statement of September 11th Advocates
For Immediate Release -- August 25, 2005
We are deeply disturbed to learn that an investigation of the CIA, conducted at the direction of the Joint House and Senate Congressional Intelligence Committees in 2002, will not be declassified and released as soon as possible.
This report presumably discusses failures within the CIA and identifies performance deficiencies among high-ranking CIA officials. The findings in this report must be shared with all members of Congress and with the American public to ensure that the problems identified are addressed and corrected, thus moving to restore faith in this agency.
We call for the immediate release of this report. To shield CIA officials from accountability and to continue to cover-up deficiencies in that agency puts the safety of our nation at risk. Four years post 9-11 this is truly unacceptable.
September 11th Advocates
Kristen Breitweiser
Patty Casazza
Monica Gabrielle
Mindy Kleinberg
Lorie Van Auken