Is Able Danger A Hoax?


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Is Able Danger A Hoax?

911=inside job recently asked my opinion about whether "Able Danger" is a hoax or not. I sent him this PM.

Gold9472 said:
It depends on a few things. Is this true? Why does Curt Weldon still "support" both President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld? You'd really have to be a complete IDIOT not to see the criminality of the two of them.

I recently sent this to all of my "9/11 Truth" friends.

What are your feelings on Able Danger? I recently read the full text of Curt Weldon's appearance today, and something just didn't sit well with me.

Here's the text...

Statements like, "As a supporter of the President", and "support Don Rumsfeld" don't sit well with me. You'd have to be a literal idiot not to see how corrupt those two are. And to focus on Sandy Berger's crime, to specifically point it out, without pointing out Bush's fight against the creation of the commission, and ALL of the other evidence against Bush, makes Able Danger, and Curt Weldon "suspect".

It almost reminds me of the case they had against Clay Bertrand (Clay Shaw) in regards to the JFK Assassination. Something close, but not close enough... to "appease" the growing anger, and speculation about his death... maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.



Originally, as you can see by this thread, I have always been skeptical of "Able Danger".

With statements like:

"I think I'm beginning to see what this is... this is an attempt to move the focus away from Bush, and towards Clinton. However... if his efforts bring forth an investigation, that would destroy the Bush Administration, if it wasn't a "Witch Hunt" for Clinton..."

Not long after I saw that video, this article was released.

Who knows what to think?

I'd like to add a bit more. Why did the Able Danger "system" find a link between Al-Qaeda and Condoleeza Rice?

Why did the Pentagon refuse to allow Anthony Shaffer to testify? Is it like I said, a "Show"? Without knowing their testimony, it's hard to know that.

This brings attention to "9/11 Truth". That is ALWAYS a good thing. However, we must ALL recognize that it does NOT, and has not, focus on the ENTIRE story.

I see "Able Danger" as a possible "opening", but it is NOT by any means the whole story. I think the 9/11 Truth Movement as a whole should continue "covering" "Able Danger", however, I think we should always look at the story with a bit of skepticism. After all, it's not ludicrous to think that the "PTB (Powers That Be)" would create a story to end the story.

Here's what Nick Levis had to say about "Able Danger":

Able Danger does not "reinforce the hijacker myth." It begins to unravel it.

Certain people were presented as the perpetrators of 9/11.

The official story says they were unknown to US authorities beforehand.

Able Danger shows they were known. It fits in with the blanket surveillance of these guys before 9/11 we already know about (CIA, Mossad, German agencies).

This doesn't necessitate they were the real pilots or in involved in 9/11. It proves the government knew its patsies beforehand.

Pentagon then attacks Able Danger whistleblowers.

Is it a "limited hangout"? Certainly. Does it show a loose end that might unravel the whole myth?

I think so - a lot more reliably than some pixels you think show the planes had pods, missiles, or holograms.

And come on, don't you realize why Habib was singled out for this treatment?

McKinney's not on the front page as questioning 9/11 and she's in Congress.

Morgan Reynolds is not on the front page.

Griffin et al. are not on the front page.

Why does Habib make the front page?

Because it's an opportunity to single him out as a Muslim.

It's a good thing that 9/11 doubts were made public in this way.

But it's a distorted view.

Also keep in mind that "Conservatives" wouldn't even CONSIDER talking about 9/11 while the focus was (and is) on Bush. Now they're MORE than happy to talk about it... just not everything. ;)
"Why did the Able Danger "system" find a link between Al-Qaeda and Condoleeza Rice?"

-Able Danger never found a link between Condi and al-Qaeda. They just suspected her of being a possible threat and noted her link to Chinese leaders. Not al-Qaeda.

-Most likely they used the computer software PROMIS to track some of the 9/11 hijackers via computer transactions.
I haven't paid too much attention to the Able Danger stuff, I don't know a whole lot about it. It might be a scheme to shift the blame to Clinton, who knows. If so, maybe it'll backfire and the do-nothing liberals will come back with guns a blazing and finally start to raise a stink.

Somebody, Blimp pilot I think, made a good point, why is Able Danger getting so much press? With the media as controlled as it is, why has the Able Danger story gained so much traction, while everything seems to disappear?
-It's getting so much press because it is believed that they could have prevented 9/11 because they had spotted 2 of the hijackers, and were told not to pursue them.

-I don't think it's a scheme to blame Clinton because his name was never mentioned in all this, it was the lawyers and higher ups that told Able Danger not to persue the suspects.
PhilosophyGenius said:
-It's getting so much press because it is believed that they could have prevented 9/11 because they had spotted 2 of the hijackers, and were told not to pursue them.

-I don't think it's a scheme to blame Clinton because his name was never mentioned in all this, it was the lawyers and higher ups that told Able Danger not to persue the suspects.
Yeah, but there were lots of warning Bushie didn't follow up on either, Bush could have prevented the attacks too, why isn't he being investigated?

I will tell you what happened that day. Double agent Osama Bin Laden trained a bunch of islamic extremists to hijack and fly planes into buildings that day, all the while leaving an obvious trail of breadcrumbs for investigators to find after the attacks. Osama Bin Laden was also working with CIA agents planning out the attacks, picking targets etc. In fact OBL probably wasn't involved in the decision making, he was told which targets to train his patsies for, the date of the attacks, etc.

The trail of bread crumbs was so damn obvious that honest CIA agents found the trail and exposed the plan before it was executed. This is the cause of all the forewarnings that were ignored, agents that were shut down, Bush ending all investigations into the Bin Ladens in January of 2001. Remember John O'Neill?? Honest FBI agent who attempted to expose the impending terrorist attack only to be shot down by superiors and eventually removed from duties and put in charge of the WTC with his first day being September 11th???

Think about it, why would the government plant so many examples of them ignoring the warnings of the attacks??? This is the only explanation that makes any sense. Then, on september 11th, the hijackers were hijacked or, the hijackers at that point did not even exist and the planes were remotely flown into their targets. In either case, the hijackers were just a cover story with evidence being planted by OBL.

Then Cheney dicks with radar that day so the FAA and Norad can't respond and they detonate the towers so zionist Larry Silverstein received billions in payouts, the government gets their war, and everyone wins.
PhilosophyGenius said:
-It's getting so much press because it is believed that they could have prevented 9/11 because they had spotted 2 of the hijackers, and were told not to pursue them.

-I don't think it's a scheme to blame Clinton because his name was never mentioned in all this, it was the lawyers and higher ups that told Able Danger not to persue the suspects.

The "Clinton Administration", however, is mentioned A LOT.
somebigguy said:
Yeah, but there were lots of warning Bushie didn't follow up on either, Bush could have prevented the attacks too, why isn't he being investigated?

I will tell you what happened that day. Double agent Osama Bin Laden trained a bunch of islamic extremists to hijack and fly planes into buildings that day, all the while leaving an obvious trail of breadcrumbs for investigators to find after the attacks. Osama Bin Laden was also working with CIA agents planning out the attacks, picking targets etc. In fact OBL probably wasn't involved in the decision making, he was told which targets to train his patsies for, the date of the attacks, etc.

The trail of bread crumbs was so damn obvious that honest CIA agents found the trail and exposed the plan before it was executed. This is the cause of all the forewarnings that were ignored, agents that were shut down, Bush ending all investigations into the Bin Ladens in January of 2001. Remember John O'Neill?? Honest FBI agent who attempted to expose the impending terrorist attack only to be shot down by superiors and eventually removed from duties and put in charge of the WTC with his first day being September 11th???

Think about it, why would the government plant so many examples of them ignoring the warnings of the attacks??? This is the only explanation that makes any sense. Then, on september 11th, the hijackers were hijacked or, the hijackers at that point did not even exist and the planes were remotely flown into their targets. In either case, the hijackers were just a cover story payouts, the government gets their war, and everyone wins.

That statement is filled with theories that can't be proved:

-There's no proof bin Laden is currently a double agent

-I don't know if you read Crossing the Rubicon but Ruppert talked about how the CIA has infiltrated the FBI and other govnt branches mainly so that they can stonewall any investigation they want (ie they let some drug lords go, some get arrested). Makes no sense that they would purposly "plant example" of them ignoring warnings when it just makes them look bad. The investiagors where stonewalled.

-Name one piece of evidence bin Laden worked with the CIA in terms of picking targets, dates, ect... Because when it was being planned in 1998, all the neo-cons in the white house were in the private sector at the time.

This is my theory regarding 9/11 (as posted on other threads):

-bin Laden and al-Qaeda planned the attacks in 1998. The neo-cons took power in 2000, found out about the plot (probably through the CIA who probalbly learned about it from Saudi intel or the ISI). Saw it as the "new pearl harbor" and "external threat" they needed in order to take the worlds oil. They made sure the plot achived the desired results (controlled demolition, norad standing down, ect...)
Gold9472 said:
The "Clinton Administration", however, is mentioned A LOT.

Mistake on my part, he still wasn't blammed though, military lawyers and bueracracy took most of the blame.