Iran Promises Cooperation With U.N. Nuclear Inspectors


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Iran promises cooperation with UN nuclear inspectors

19 May 2006

VIENNA - Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, promised that Iran would cooperate with United Nations inspectors during a meeting in Vienna with the head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog, Teheran’s ambassador to the body told AFP on Friday.

“The discussion was that, of course, Iran is continuing its cooperation with the IAEA and that inspectors will continue their work in accordance with the NPT (nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) comprehensive safeguards,” said Ali Asghar Soltanieh, the Iranian ambassador to the International Atomic energy Agency.

He was referring to Larijani’s meeting with IAEA director general Mohamed ElBaradei.

Iran continues to honor its NPT safeguards obligations, which give the IAEA the power to verify that its nuclear material is not being diverted from peaceful to military uses.

But Teheran has cut off wider IAEA inspections, such as visits to sites not directly associated with nuclear material.

It did this after the IAEA referred Teheran to the UN Security Council in February due to concern over its nuclear program.

Iran says it is developing nuclear power for civilian use but the United States charges that this is a cover for the secret development of atomic weapons.