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Bush Supporters Turn To TV To Challenge Sheehan To Debate



The father of a slain Central Texas Marine appears in a new TV spot that began airing Thursday, challenging anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan to a debate.

In the spot, Gary Qualls, whose son, Marine Lance Cpl. Louis Qualls, died in 2004 in Iraq, takes Sheehan to task for calling the President a liar and for erecting a cross bearing his son’s name as part of what he calls “your sick cause.”

“Cindy, how can you be so cruel?” Qualls asks in the spot.

“I am challenging you to a debate, “ he says. “I am waiting.”

Qualls is one of the Bush supporters who set up a camp over the weekend in Crawford named “Fort Qualls,” in honor of Louis Qualls.

The new spot hit the airwaves as a spot featuring Sheehan began to air nationally on CNN and Fox News.

Gold Star Families for Peace spent $67,000 to buy the national airtime.

The Sheehan spot has run in the Waco market as well as in Salt Lake City and Boise during the President’s visit to the two cities earlier in the week.

Meanwhile another group of Bush supporters pitched tents Thursday in the newly formed “Camp Reality” across from the anti-war protesters.

The new group, sponsored by the conservative advocacy organization Grassfire.org, is distributing some 500 pro-Bush yard signs, some of which had already showed up Thursday afternoon on fences in the area.

Attention shifted away from the protesters earlier in the week as President Bush traveled to Utah and Idaho where he delivered speeches in which he laid out the case for the war in Iraq and the need to ensure that Iraqi’s are prepared to provide security and stability before U.S. troops are withdrawn.

The President returned to Central Texas Wednesday night, about two hours after Sheehan arrived from California after spending a week with her mother, who suffered a stroke.

The number of protesters in Crawford is expected to grow over the weekend as a pro-Bush caravan arrives from California.

The Bush supporters, backed by the group Move America Forward, left San Francisco on Monday.

They plan to hold a rally and a vigil Saturday in Crawford.
black or brownshirts?

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." -Hermann Wilhelm Göring early member of the Nazi party, founder of the Gestapo, and one of the main perpetrators of Nazi Germany.