Fox News Affiliate Covers 9/11 Truth - Video Inside

Holy shit.

I'll be writing them a thank you email today.
Fox News

This is a HUGE breakthrough. This indiscretion by real journalists won't go unpunished. Anyone have any ideas about how we might intervene in support of these journalists who have clearly CROSSED THE LINE ??? Any ideas??
Dave Mann said:
This is a HUGE breakthrough. This indiscretion by real journalists won't go unpunished. Anyone have any ideas about how we might intervene in support of these journalists who have clearly CROSSED THE LINE ??? Any ideas??

Tell them to get behind the 9/11 Truth movement... that way, if someone is fired, etc... we can blast them with emails, etc... not that we wouldn't already... as you know... but to come out with an article endorsing the movement...
That video clip of windows blowing out from explosives during the WTC collapse is pretty amazing. I've never seen that before.
[Seems like FOX have pulled the story from the website... Or have they. What's going on? Nicked from 911blogger]

9/11 Story Pulled

An interesting twist to this story at the bottom of this article:

Sure we've got a "Free Press" in America. HA!

We were amazed that a FOX affiliate had actually done a story on 9/11 that WASN'T a "tinfoil hat" hit piece. ...So amazed in fact that we linked to their website so other people could see for themselves. -Oh, but our amazement was short lived.

Within days, the story was killed, the transcript removed from their website, the video links taken down, and all references in the archives were gone. POOF, just like that, it never existed.

Wouldn't you love to know who "gave the order" to make that story disappear without a trace? They must be pretty powerful, huh?

This only further reinforces what we already know: There is a deliberate effort by the mainstream media to suppress the irrefutable evidence of a 9/11 cover up. No problem. We've got a copy of the video below. Be sure to save one for yourself and then spread this info FAR and WIDE.

This is what the government and the corporate media criminals didn't feel you had the right to see.

Oh, and maybe you should drop them a line...ask them why they pulled the story. Ask them why, if what the government says is true, they're so afraid of THE EVIDENCE.

UPDATE: Unbelievable! There is apparently a battle going on at that station because the links are now back up. I went through that site myself...all references had been removed. Now the story is back on the home page, in the archives, and the original pages (below) have been restored. VERRRYYY Interesting.

When I first posted this story (before the links had been taken down) I said we should write the station and THANK the brave reporters who put the piece together. Well, maybe we owe them an even bigger thanks. It looks like they not only had the courage to report on this; they also had the courage to fight having it squashed. (Part 1) (Part 2)
Ah: from the comments section on 911blogger, by Dylan 'Loose Change' Avery.

Subject: wicz video
From: [snip]
Date: Sat, Dec 03, 2005 6:26 pm

The news article was temporarily pulled because of bandwidth problems here, not beacuse of any foul play. It’s now on a different server temporarily as long as wicz's article remains current (5 days).

We could not continue to host the video with all the deep linking directly to the video it was getting since it was having a direct negative impact on our client’s website performance. As a website host we always reserve the right to remove anything on our servers that uses too much bandwidth and degrades performance for everyone else.

You might want to download yourself a copy if you wish to host it after the article has expired. Conspiracy.wmv Attack.wmv

Michael J. Duke
Web Architect / Application Engineer
[email protected]

CYBERCity / PCMarketGroup, Inc.
455 Court Street
Binghamton, New York 13904
(607) 729-2990 (voice) / (607) 729-3655 (fax)
I hate stories that say things like, "There is apparently a battle going on at that station"... how the hell do they know that? Did they call them, etc...