Cindy Sheehan, Anti War Activists Interrupt Dem Press Conference - Video Inside


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Cindy Sheehan, anti-war activists interrupt Democratic press conference

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David Edwards
Published: Wednesday January 3, 2007

While President Bush and his fellow Republican lawmakers have been the target of many protests since the invasion of Iraq in 2002, this time around, a Democratic press conference was disrupted by a group of anti-war protestors, which included "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan.

"While discussing the Democratic ethics legislation, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Democratic Caucus chairman, was interrupted by anti-war protestors lead by Cindy Sheehan, a well-known activist whose son was killed in Iraq," CNN reports.

"We're here to let the Democrats know that the grass roots and the anti-war movement elected them to create change," declared Sheehan.

At the activist web site, After Downing Street, a schedule of events was posted asking readers to "join Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace, AfterDowningStreet, Progressive Democrats of America,, World Can't Wait, Democracy Rising, CODE PINK, and others in walking the halls of Congress for peace and impeachment."

Today's schedule for the "Walk for Change" campaign said that from 11am to 2pm, protestors would be "walking the Halls of Congress and meeting with Congress Members and their staff."

A Fox News Channel report suggested that the headline should read "Peace activists drowned out House Democrats."

"We escalate, investigate, troops home now," the activists chanted.

Video from Fox News coverage: