Cheney Told To 'Go Fuck Yourself' In Gulfport, Mississippi


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Cheney told to 'go fuck yourself' in Gulfport, Mississippi


Vice President Dick Cheney, in Gulfport, Mississippi on a tour of the Katrina hurricane zone, was told to "go fuck yourself" twice on live television, RAW STORY has learned.

Off camera, a protester shouts, "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney. Go fuck yourself."

The camera remains on Cheney while we hear scuffling in the background.

CNN's reporter asks Cheney, "Are you getting a lot of that Mr. Vice President?"

Cheney replies, "First time I've heard it., Must be a friend of John..., er, ah - never mind."

(Gold9472: Ah hah... ha ha... ah ha ha ha... that's funny.)

Laughter ensures from the VP and reporters.
First time he heard it my ASS!!! What did he mean by John???
Oh priceless. Today at lunch a TV was playing Fox news. As I walked by I saw Cheney. Since I haven't seen Cheney on TV in a while, I paused. The caption under his picture read "Cheney says most people he has talked to [about the hurricane] are positive." Now living in south Louisiana myself, I knew that was a load of shit. But it's Fox news, so I just laughed and kept walking to my table.

And now I read this story. It makes me smile...
grabbing the video clip now.. 94%, super slow.

most ppl cant get close enough for him to hear it.. otherwise half of america would tell him to fuck off right now.
Finally someone with the balls to put this nigga in check
they can't hide their real opinions about lower class america now. just their inactions the last few days in la you can tell they care nothing for the poor.