Cheney Defends Wiretaps


Staff member
Cheney Defends Presidential Powers,1280,-5492333,00.html

Tuesday December 20, 2005 2:46 PM

ABOARD AIR FORCE II (AP) - Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday vigorously defended the Bush administration's use of secret domestic spying and the expansion of presidential powers, saying "it's not an accident that we haven't been hit in four years.''

(Gold9472: You're right Dick. Murdering 3000 of us is risky business. You have to be careful how many times you choose to do it.)

Talking to reporters aboard his government plane as he flew from Islamabad, Pakistan to Muscat, Oman on an overseas mission, Cheney said he believes the power of the presidency has indeed contracted since the Vietnam and Watergate era.

He said he believes the American people support President Bush's terror-fighting strategy. "If there's a backlash pending,'' because of reports of National Security Agency surveillance of calls originating within the United States, he said, "I think the backlash is going to be against those who are suggesting somehow that we shouldn't take these steps to defend the country.''