C-SPAN'S Coverage Of The American Scholars Symposium - Video Inside


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C-SPAN'S Coverage Of The American Scholars Symposium
Thanks to www.911blogger.com


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I also believe they said they'd be protesting on ground zero on the up coming 9/11 anniversary. If I'm not mistaken the Minute Men would also be there protesting about immigrations or something. So that should be very intersting. The 9/11 Truth movement could get a huge rub of the Minute Men protest cuz the Minute Men are big news and would definetly be covered by the media.
i am sssssssooooooooooooo excited today! i have been telling my mom the 9/11 truth for quite a while now without getting through to her. i left her a message yesterday with the viewing times for the cspan program. she called this morning to tell me she watched it and her eyes are now open. i hope this airing had the same affect on many others! just had to share!
C-SPAN will re-air the 9/11 panel discussion again tomarrow at 6:10 pm EDT.

Make sure you tell everyone to watch it.