C-SPAN To Air Entire 9/11 Congressional Briefing - 8/31/05 & 9/2/05


Staff member
The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later: A Citizens Response – Did The Commission Get It Right?


(Gold9472: If you're going to spam something... this is it.)

08/31/2005 8pm - 11:30pm EST
09/02/2005 8pm - 1am EST

July 22, 2005
Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345
Independence Ave. & First St., SE

First Hour:
Part one: A Critical Examination of the 9/11 Commission

Moderator: Verna Avery Brown, Pacifica Radio

Opening Statements
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)
Pastor West’s Blessing

9/11 Families Report
Unanswered Questions and The Call for Accountability
Lorie Van Auken, 9/11 Family Steering Committee
(ends mid-way)

Second Hour:
Lorie Van Auken, 9/11 Family Steering Committee (overlaps)
Q&A Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern

Behind the 9/11 Commission: Flaws in the Process
Staff Report – A Citizens Critique
John Judge, staff and 9/11 Citizens Watch
Conflicts of Interest – A Commission Investigates Itself
Mel Goodman, former CIA, Center for International Policy

Third Hour:
Q&A Bob McIlvaine, Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern

Omissions and Errors in the Commission’s Final Report
NORAD/FAA, P-56 Responses, Pre-9/11 Exercises
Paul Thompson, author of Terror Timeline
Suspects and Plots, the link to Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden
Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Freedom
The $100,000 Transfer – Pakistan ISI, bin Laden and US Intelligence
John Newman, former NSA, author of JFK & Vietnam

Fourth Hour:
Foreknowledge and Forewarnings of 9/11
Marilyn Rosenthal, 9/11 family member, academic
Q&A Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern

9/11 in Historical Perspective: Flawed Assumptions
The Underground World of Terrorist Financing
Lauretta Napolione, author of Modern Jihad, Terror Incorporated

The Rise of the Neo-Conservatives
Anne Norton, Leo Strauss & the Politics of American Empire (ends mid-way)

Fifth Hour:
The Rise of the Neo-Conservatives
Anne Norton, Leo Strauss & the Politics of American Empire (overlaps)
Deep Politics: Contragate, Drugs, Oil, Covert Operations and Terrorism
Peter Dale Scott, author of Drugs, Oil & War
Afghanistan Mujahedin – Covert Operations, Creating Terrorism
Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Truth
Q&A Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern (ends mid-way)

Sixth Hour:
Q&A Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern (continues)

Part Two: A Critical Examination of the Commission’s Recommendations
Foreign Policy: Immediate Response and Recommendations
The End of International Law?
Wayne Smith, former diplomat, Center o n International Policy
Alternatives to Pax Americana and Permanent War
Bob McIlvaine, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows

Domestic Policy: Immediate Response and Recommendations
Dual Legal Systems and Military Tribunals
Kit Gage, Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Jumana Musa, Amnesty International
(ends mid-way)

Seventh Hour:
Civil Liberties in American Post-9/11: Is Security Worth the Trade?
Mary Rose Oakar, President ADC (begins mid-way)
Elaine Cassel, author of The War on Civil Liberties
The Rise of Secrecy After 9/11
Rebecca Daugherty, Reporters Committee o n Freedom of the Press
The Patriot Acts – Sunset o n Freedom?
William Michaels, author of No Greater Threat
Q&A Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern
(ends mid-way)

Eighth Hour:
Q&A Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern

Intelligence Reform: Immediate Response and Recommendations
The New DNI: Congressional Oversight and Unbiased Intelligence?
Mel Goodman, former CIA, Center for International Policy
Ray McGovern, veteran of Analysis Directorate of CIA
(ends mid-way)

Ninth Hour:
“The Wall”: Breaking Down the Division of Intelligence, Military and Law Enforcement
David MacMichaels, former CIA (starts mid-way)
Covert Operations and Increased Intelligence Budget – Solution or Cause?
John Nutter, author of The CIA’s Black Operations
Q&A Mike Ruppert, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern

Conclusions and the Need for New Investigation, Release of Files
Rep. Cynthia McKinney

Closes Remarks

End Part I

The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later:

A Citizens’ Response – Did They Get It Right?

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development in London, England. He is author of the recently published book The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism, which deconstructs the findings of the 9/11 Commission Report and investigates the worldwide web of terrorist networks across space and time. This book is a sequel to his earlier bestseller The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked: September 11, 2001, which won him the Naples Prize, Italy’s most prestigious literary award. Ahmed holds a first-class masters degree in Contemporary War and Peace Studies from the University of Sussex, where he is currently a Doctoral Candidate at the Department of International Relations and Politics, researching genocide, imperialism, and structural violence.

Elaine Cassel is the author of The War o n Civil Liberties (2004), which documents the erosion of civil rights and liberties under the Bush administration and synthesizes the numerous instances in which Americans have surrendered liberty to purchase security to argue that it is a false tradeoff. She is an attorney, and a Professor of Law at Concord and Marymount Universities. Cassel is a regular contributor for Findlaw and the blog Civil Liberties Watch, covering such issues as the (mis)use of torture to extract information, legal challenges to the Patriot Act, prosecutorial misconduct and other current issues involving the judicial system.

Kit Gage is president and founder of the National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom (www.ncppf.org) and has directed the First Amendment Foundation and the National Committee Against Repressive Legislation (www.ncarl.org) since April 2001. She is a regular contributor to various journals o n matters concerning freedom of speech and other civil liberties, immigrant rights, women’s rights and other human rights issues. Gage was Executive Vice President, and earlier, the first Legal Worker Vice President of the National Lawyers Guild. She also served as a board member of the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA. A graduate of Grinnell College with an independent degree in Women, Socialization and Conflict, she is married and has two remarkable adult daughters.

Mel Goodman is a professor of International Security at the National War College and a Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy. From 1966-1986 he was a senior CIA soviet analyst. IN 1991 he was one of three former CIA officials to testify before the Senate against the nomination of Robert Gates as Director of Central Intelligence o n the grounds that he had slanted intelligence to suit policy. Goodman is co-author of Bush League Diplomacy: How the Neoconservatives are Putting the World at Risk. He recently joined the Center for International Policy to lead their Intelligence Reform Project.

Mindy Kleinberg is widow to husband Alan, killed in the attacks upon the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Alan Kleinberg, 39, worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor of WTC Tower o ne. Kleinberg served as co-chair of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Independent Commission. With fellow widows Lorie Van Auken, Kristen Breitweiser and Patty Cazassa, Ms. Kleinberg helped to found September 11th Advocates, setting out to discover the truth about why their husbands were killed o n September 11th, and how and by whom. Together, these women put aside their grief, knocked on doors and twisted arms until Congress and the President agreed to form an independent commission to investigate how the attacks happened. The iron determination of the ‘Jersey Girls,’ as they are now widely known, earned them national and international notoriety. Unsatisfied with many aspects of the 9/11 Commission and its Report, they continue to press for accountability, and refuse to accept that what happened was simply a failure of processes and organizations, and not people. Kleinberg also served as cochair of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Independent Commission.

Bob McIlvaine is father of Bobby McIlvaine, 26, Assistant VP of media relations at Merrill Lynch, who died on September 11th, 2001 in the attacks on the World Trade Center. Bobby did not work at the twin towers, so Bob and his wife Helen were not immediately worried and only found out his death later. A retired counselor to roubled teenagers and one-time tavern owner from Philadelphia, McIlvaine was at the hospital in suburban Philadelphia where he worked with teenagers when he heard the news of the attack. Bob never saw his son’s body. Bobby was o nly positively identified by dental records. The effect of his son’s death was traumatizing for Bob. However, after being laid off from his job in early 2003, McIlvaine did what many other families of 9/11 victims had done and got involved by joining September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, an advocacy group that opposes violence as a response to 9/11 and seeks dialogue between families of 9/11 victims and families of victims of the Afghan and Iraq wars.

David MacMichael, Ph.D. is a historian and former US Marine officer who served in the CIA as a senior estimates officer at the National Intelligence Center (NIC) specializing in Western Hemisphere Affairs. After leaving the CIA in 1983, MacMichael publicly charged that the Reagan administration was falsifying the so-called intelligence about arms shipments from Nicaragua to insurgent forces in El Salvador. He testified to this at the World Court in the trial of Nicaragua v. US. During the 1980s and early 1990s he was editor and publisher of the magazine UNCLASSIFIED opposing the use of covert intelligence operations. Currently he is a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

C. William Michaels is author of No Greater Threat (2002), an in-depth analysis of the Patriot Act that seeks to start an alternative, parallel dialog about the ‘war o n terrorism’ and how to prevent it from becoming a war o n ourselves and the Constitution. He is a Baltimore attorney with a solo appellate practice that involves writing appellate briefs for other attorneys. Michaels has an extensive background as an author and journalist, including serving as developer and producer of the award-winning weekly cable television program WorldViews, which aired in East Coast cities from 1994 to 1996, and as Legal Editor at the Bureau of National Affairs. Michaels is co-founder and coordinator of the Baltimore chapter of Pax Christi, and is a member of the Catholic Labor Committee. He graduated from Brandeis University magna ***** laude and is also a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law, where he held an editorial positions for the Law Review and Law Forum.

Jumana Musa is a human rights attorney and activist. She is currently the Advocacy Director for Domestic Human Rights and International Justice at Amnesty International, where she addresses the domestic and international impact of the Bush administration's "war on terror" on human rights. She has also served as Amnesty International's legal observer for the military commission proceedings at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Loretta Napoleoni is author of Terror Incorporated, tracing the dollars behind the terror networks (2005) whose original title was Modern Jihad, the first book to tackle issues raised by the attacks of September 11th, 2001 from an economic perspective. In Terror Incorporated, she reveals how the ‘new economy of terror’ has evolved by proxy through various wars—from the Cold War to the ‘war on terror’—and shifting the focus away from religious and cultural differences, argues that Islamic terror groups are driven by real economic forces in the Muslim world. Napoleoni has worked as a consultant for Homeland Security and was chairman of the countering terrorist financing group at the Madrid conference o n Terrorism, Democracy and Security. She is an economist who has worked for banks and international organizations in Europe and the U.S. She is also a journalist and has worked as a foreign correspondent for several Italian financial papers. She has written novels and guidebooks in Italian, and has translated and edited books o n terrorism. Her most recent novel, Dossier Baghdad, is a financial thriller set during the Gulf War. She was among the few people to interview the Red Brigades in Italy after three decades of silence.

John Newman spent 21 years in Army Intelligence and served as Assistant to the Director of the National Security Agency. He also served as an attaché in China. He is a history professor at UMD, and has been teaching courses on counterterrorism for 10 years. Newman has written and published widely and is working o n a manuscript about the events leading up to 9/11.

Anne Norton, Ph.D. is author of Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire (Yale University Press 2004), in which she traces the influence of German-Jewish emigré scholar Leo Strauss on the neoconservative movement and the bush administration. Norton, the Alfred Cass Term Chair Professor of Political Science and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, has written numerous books, chapters and articles on American popular culture and political theory. These include Republic of Signs: Liberal Theory and American Popular Culture, and Alternative Americas.

End Part II
John Nutter, Ph.D. is a political scientist and the author of The CIA’s Black Ops: Covert Action, Foreign Policy, and Democracy (2000), which charts the CIA’s secret operations and controversial plans, revealing a country fascinated by covert action. He has served as a faculty member at Michigan State University and Texas A&M University, where he taught courses on covert action, terrorism, guerrilla warfare, and international politics. As a consultant, he has instructed federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel on domestic terrorism, and has served as a security/anti-terrorism advisor to numerous organizations. Nutter has made hundreds of media appearances, including CNN, the BBC, TV-Tokyo, and NPR.

Mary Rose Oakar is currently President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). A life-long resident of Cleveland, Ohio, she received her B.A. at Ursuline College and her M.A. at John Carroll University, both in Cleveland. A former professor, she has received several Honorary Doctorates. Oakar has served on the Cleveland City Council, the Ohio House of Representatives and, for sixteen years, in the United States House of Representatives. In Congress she advocated for peace and justice in the Middle East and for those of Middle East ancestry in the United States. In addition, she served as a monitor for the Palestinian elections and has attended Middle East Peace signings at the White House, in Egypt and Jordan, and once accompanied President Clinton to Syria. McCall’s Magazine named Oakar “one of the ten best members of Congress for health and women’s issues,” and she has received numerous awards for her legislation concerning breast cancer and the elderly.

Wiliam Pepper, Ed.D. is an author and English barrister and an American lawyer with specialized training in international law and international human rights. He convened a seminar on International Human Rights at Oxford University. He maintains a practice in the U.S and the U.K.

Marilynn M. Rosenthal is the mother of Josh Rosenthal who was killed in the attack on the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. She is currently editing her book 9/11: Searching for My Son and His Killers. Since her son’s death she has become an expert o n warnings about and preceding the 9/11 attack. She is professor emerita, medical sociologist and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School. She is also an Associate Director of the UM Medical School’s Program in Society and Medicine. She is the author of nine books, many dealing with issues of medical malpractice, including: Medical Error (2002) and Medical Mishaps (1997). Rosenthal is an elected Fellow of the British and Swedish Royal Societies of Medicine, and has received numerous grants and honors, including a Danforth Fellowship, UM Hopwood writing award, a Distinguished Faculty Research Award and a Fulbright Western European Research Award.

Peter Dale Scott Ph.D. is professor emeritus of English at the University of California, Berkeley. He is author of Drugs, Oil and War (2003), and seven other books including Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993, 1996) and The Iran-Contra Connection (in collaboration, 1987). He has also published awardwinning poetry. Both his prose and poetry deal among other matters with U.S. covert operations, their impact on democracy at home and abroad, their relations to the John F. Kennedy assassination and their relations to the global drug traffic. Scott holds degrees from McGill University in Montreal, the city of his birth. Prior to having taught for thirty-four years at UC Berkeley, Scott was a Canadian diplomat and served at the United Nations and the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw, Poland.

Wayne Smith is Senior Fellow and Director, at the Center for International Policy, where he directs the Cuba Program and is a contributor to the National Security Program. He is a visiting professor of Latin American studies and Director of the University of Havana exchange Program at Johns Hopkins University. He is a former Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. During his twenty-five years with the State Department (1957-82), he served as executive secretary of President Kennedy's Latin American Task Force and chief of mission at the U.S. Interests Section in Havana. In addition, he served in Argentina, Brazil and the Soviet Union.

Paul Thompson is a freelance researcher and is the creator of the Center for Cooperative Research’s Complete 9/11 Timeline (www.cooperativeresearch.org), a compilation of over 5,000 articles and reports on 9/11. In the aftermath of the of September 11th attacks, Thompson found himself poring over news of the attacks on the internet, and growing increasingly frustrated with how incomplete the story of September 11th was. He began gathering and condensing every credible fact o n 9/11, and posted these facts online in chronological order to build a ‘terror timeline.’ His site quickly grew to thousands of news items and what started as a hobby soon became Thompson’s obsession. Thompson quit his San Francisco-based job with a California-based environmental protection group working to preserve the rainforest in Borneo and moved to New Zealand to go full-time with Cooperative Research. The timeline was made available online in a form that allowed visitors to make corrections to his data and add new information. Open-source historiography had arrived. The timeline is published in book form and has become a trusted source for reporters and researchers. Thompson now divides his time between California and New Zealand.

Lorie Van Auken is widow to husband Kenneth, killed in the attacks upon the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Kenneth Van Auken, 47, worked for Cantor Fitzgerald o n the 105th floor of Tower o ne. Van Auken served as co-chair of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Independent Commission, and with fellow widows Mindy Kleinberg, Kristen Breitweiser and Patty Cazassa, Ms. Van Auken helped to found September 11th Advocates. Together, these women put aside their grief, knocked on doors and twisted arms until Congress and the President agreed to form an independent commission to investigate how the attacks happened. They refused to give up until even the most reluctant players bared their Presidential Daily Briefs. The iron determination of the ‘Jersey Girls,’ as they are now widely known, earned them national and international notoriety. Unsatisfied with many aspects of the 9/11 Commission and its Report, they continue to press for accountability, and refuse to accept that what happened was simply a failure of processes and organizations, and not people.

Gold9472 said:
Ok... I'll take the right side... you take the left side.
At least the fuckwad knows when I'm talking to him.:teabag:
C-SPAN To Air Entirety Of 9/11 Congressional Briefing - 8/31/05 & 9/2/05

Click Here

I can not emphasize this enough. This is something you should tell your friends, and their friends, and all of your family members about.

We don't know how many times we're going to be able to speak truth to power on a national level.

Please do what's right, and pass this along.

Thank you.

Jonathan Gold