BYU Professor Steven Jones Gives Update On 9/11 Research - Video Inside


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BYU Professor Steven Jones Gives Update On 9/11 Research
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Professor Steven E. Jones spoke in Provo to a group of about 50 people o April 6, 2006. He gave the audience an update of his 9/11 research. On interesting point he mentioned is a video of the South Tower that shows what looks like yellow/white hot molten metal, which could possibly be thermite on thermate (used in explosives)

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after seeing this, i now understand what Dr. Jones is trying to say. he's saying that thermite/thermate was used around the impact areas of the towers, and then explosives were used to bring the towers down.

the thermite/thermate was probably used to give the illusion of the fires causing the melting of steel. or they used it to start the collapse and then imploded the rest of the buildings.