Bush To Mother Who Lost Son In Iraq: 'I Grieve'


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Bush to mother who lost son in Iraq: 'I grieve'


(Gold9472: Big, Bad, George W. Bush... the HERO of the south, doesn't have THE BALLS to go talk to Cindy Sheehan. COWARD!!!)

By Steve Holland
Fri Aug 12, 4:20 AM ET

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said on Thursday he sympathized with a mother who lost a son in Iraq and has been leading a protest vigil near his ranch, but that he would not pull U.S. troops from Iraq now as she has demanded.

"I grieve for every death," Bush said as Cindy Sheehan remained camped out about five miles away. For six days she has been demanding Bush meet with her about her son, Casey Austin Sheehan, an Army specialist killed in combat in Baghdad in April 2004.

"It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place," Bush said.

But, he added, "pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy."

White House officials said Bush had no plans to meet with Sheehan, saying he met with her in June 2004. National security adviser Stephen Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin met her on Saturday, the day she started her vigil.

Hadley told reporters on Thursday that Bush understands Sheehan's views on Iraq are deeply felt, but that "he just respectfully disagrees." The White House released a list showing Bush has held 24 meetings with 900 family members of 272 troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since January 2002.

In response, Sheehan said the best way Bush can show compassion is by meeting with her and other mothers and family members gathered alongside Prairie Chapel Road in Crawford.

"Our sons made the ultimate sacrifice and we want answers. All we're asking is that he sacrifice an hour out of his five-week vacation to talk to us, before the next mother loses her son in Iraq. He says he is spreading peace. How can you spread peace by killing people?" she said in a statement issued through Fenton Communications, a public relations firm.

Sheehan, 48, of Vacaville, California, and her supporters hope if they speak out, more Americans will demand that U.S. troops are brought home from Iraq.

Bush answered questions at his Texas ranch after meeting with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Vice President Dick Cheney, Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and national security adviser Stephen Hadley.

Bush said he had made no final decision on increasing U.S. troop strength in Iraq to help improve security during October elections, but he noted pointedly that having more troops in place helped provide stability during the Iraq elections last January and during Afghanistan elections.

"It seemed to have helped create security, and I know the secretary of defense is analyzing that possibility," Bush told reporters.

The United States has roughly 138,000 troops in Iraq. Pentagon officials have said the number could go up this fall to bolster security for the Iraqi elections.

He sought to not raise Americans' hopes about substantial troop reductions next year, although military officials have talked openly about the possibility.

And Bush said he believed Iraqis would meet an August 15 deadline for drafting a constitution.

But with Americans increasingly questioning the U.S. involvement in Iraq, Bush tried to address Sheehan's concerns and maintain U.S. support for the troops.

"Listen, I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan," Bush said. "She feels strongly about her position. And she has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America."

He said he has thought "long and hard" about her demand to "get out of Iraq now" and strongly disagreed, saying a premature withdrawal would betray the Iraqis just as they are being trained to defend themselves and allow for a U.S. pullout.

"Oh, I know it's hard for some Americans to see that progress, but we are making progress. ... Withdrawing before the mission is complete would send a signal to those who wonder about the United States' commitment to spreading freedom," he said.
The White House released a list showing Bush has held 24 meetings with 900 family members of 272 troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since January 2002.

OK, I'm not a math wizard, but that's either too few very personal meetings or several very impersonal meetings. Don't the families deserve better?

However... the President can't meet with every person who takes up camp in his front yard, or it will become an epidemic and he'll never get anything done for having to meet with so many people. So what's the answer?
rachel said:
OK, I'm not a math wizard, but that's either too few very personal meetings or several very impersonal meetings. Don't the families deserve better?

However... the President can't meet with every person who takes up camp in his front yard, or it will become an epidemic and he'll never get anything done for having to meet with so many people. So what's the answer?

They weren't real meetings... they were Bush put in front of the family members, and told what to, and not to say... and what to answer, and what not to answer, and he never addressed anyone by name, only by the phrase, "Loved One"...

Cindy Sheehan represents more than herself... as of now, she is slowly starting to represent everyone who is against the war...

Now I hear the "Right Wingers" are going to Crawford to Anti-Protest what she's trying to do.

The same argument was used about negotiating with "Terrorists". Yet, that happens ALL THE TIME behind our backs, and out of the spotlight of the media.

He should see her, period.
Go! Cindy! go!

Mrs. Sheenan : The President has shown his disrespect to you, and other Americans all along:
Staging his press conferences and meetings with Americans, caters only to supporters
Tells the mother who has to work 3 jobs to make ends meet"you're a unique American"
Gives the wealthiest tax cuts
Burdens all American for wars that had very little to do with real threats, but very much to do for oil greed and personal enrichment

His lack of concern for people is a direct contradiction to his stated born again beliefs. His hypocrisy in saying we are fighting for freedom by bombing a country, which has now been shown, not to have WMDs, and that in the DSM were fabricated outrages me. Bombs spread hatred, not freedom.

His reluctance to have investigations, and his limiting them is suspicious.

Those appointed to the Keane Commission all had business ties to him and his administration. David Ray Griffith points out all this in his book the New Pearl Harbor.

Please read my comments to the survivors of the families killed in 911:

I agree with you. The official explanation of 911 does not explain the facts that have been uncovered.

I was offered a job in the twin towers just out of college, as a history major for a position of a social security disability analyst, but I turned it down not wanting to work so far away from my family. I became a teacher in Queens and we saw the twin towers burning from our school. All I could think was "oh my God, all those people."

We have a President who said "what a lousy pilot!"

His lack of concern for people is a direct contradiction to his stated born again beliefs. His hypocrisy in saying we are fighting for freedom by bombing a country, which has now been shown, not to have WMDs, and that in the DSM were fabricated, outrages me. Bombs spread hatred, not freedom.

His reluctance to have investigations, and his limiting them is suspicious.

Those appointed to the Keane Commission all had business ties to him and his administration. David Ray Griffith points out all this in his book the New Pearl Harbor.

I've been researching the internet for four years.I've found too many inconsistencies. Warnings were issued to several people before it happened. Videos of the fall of the towers indicate a demolition, especially because WTC 7 was not even hit by an airplane. The Pentagon was hit probably by a missile.

Carol Valentine's research work shows that the offices hit were those of Naval intelligence officers whose offices were responsible for uncovering the Pollard spy case.

I was shocked to see that the top necons of his administration were extremely Pro Zionist Israel. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/04/315848.shtml


The PANC had everything to gain by fabricating an attack and plans like Northwoods, seemed to give it plausibility.

Over time though I realized there were too many Saudi connections to the Bush family, and their family Businesses. It turns out that their business are not just oil, but also drugs. (see the writings of Sherman Skolnick for this :

Sherman Skolnick, Prosecutions Coming


Their connections to the British family, and joint accounts also flabbergasts me. Their family fortune is based on monies gained from trading with the Nazis. So were many other elite families in America.

This led me to start researching the very Wealthy American families of America, and starting with the Rockefellers I saw they have gained control of the money system in the Federal Reserve, and have a plan for a New World Order. They have been buying up most of the mainstream media, and push for their agenda.

David Rockefeller thanks major media for not exposing his New World Order too soon http://houston.indymedia.org/news/2005/06/40311.php

Now with evidence coming from many other researchers I see that this attack was an outgrowth of a consolidation of powers into the executive branch by the elite of this country.

Please see my more recent post, http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/322288.shtml

The Downing Street Memo and the Rove leak are the tip of the iceberg.

I do think the elite of America are allied with various others groups and are pursuing a disastrous foreign policy for average Americans. We Americans have been trusting and generous people, but we now have to wake up, because greed inhabits the strangest places, and we need to know who are real enemies are!


We know what the noble cause is. These guys are students of Strauss and his bottom feeding cockroaches. They speak with forked tongues. They believe in order to speak to "all" of the people at once, they have to speak with an esoteric and exoteric language.

When bubble boy says, "noble cause"...he truely is talking about the PNAC, his oligarchs, and "their way of life". Is there anything more noble then that for the have mores? Protecting THEIR way of life.

This is how he is able to lie so effectively and without remorse, because he's not lying. EVER.

Take the quote from Irving Kristol, father of american neoconservatism:

"There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people. There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn't work."

In other words, don't believe a f'ing word they say or if your not a "highly educated adult", then you don't deserve the truth.

It's like a used car salesman.(no offense)

"only an idiot wouldn't buy this car, it's the best deal out there"

"gosh, I don't want to be an idiot, I should buy the car"

How about this quote from Irving:

"Corporate philanthropy should not be, and cannot be, disinterested. It must shape or reshape the climate of public opinion."

What a cute way to describe fascism or authoritarian free enterprise.

The empire has no clothes and all the kings horses and all the king's men...

Rese said:
Mrs. Sheenan : The President has shown his disrespect to you, and other Americans all along:
Staging his press conferences and meetings with Americans, caters only to supporters
Tells the mother who has to work 3 jobs to make ends meet"you're a unique American"
Gives the wealthiest tax cuts
Burdens all American for wars that had very little to do with real threats, but very much to do for oil greed and personal enrichment

His lack of concern for people is a direct contradiction to his stated born again beliefs. His hypocrisy in saying we are fighting for freedom by bombing a country, which has now been shown, not to have WMDs, and that in the DSM were fabricated outrages me. Bombs spread hatred, not freedom.

His reluctance to have investigations, and his limiting them is suspicious.

Those appointed to the Keane Commission all had business ties to him and his administration. David Ray Griffith points out all this in his book the New Pearl Harbor.

Please read my comments to the survivors of the families killed in 911:

I agree with you. The official explanation of 911 does not explain the facts that have been uncovered.

I was offered a job in the twin towers just out of college, as a history major for a position of a social security disability analyst, but I turned it down not wanting to work so far away from my family. I became a teacher in Queens and we saw the twin towers burning from our school. All I could think was "oh my God, all those people."

We have a President who said "what a lousy pilot!"

His lack of concern for people is a direct contradiction to his stated born again beliefs. His hypocrisy in saying we are fighting for freedom by bombing a country, which has now been shown, not to have WMDs, and that in the DSM were fabricated, outrages me. Bombs spread hatred, not freedom.

His reluctance to have investigations, and his limiting them is suspicious.

Those appointed to the Keane Commission all had business ties to him and his administration. David Ray Griffith points out all this in his book the New Pearl Harbor.

I've been researching the internet for four years.I've found too many inconsistencies. Warnings were issued to several people before it happened. Videos of the fall of the towers indicate a demolition, especially because WTC 7 was not even hit by an airplane. The Pentagon was hit probably by a missile.

Carol Valentine's research work shows that the offices hit were those of Naval intelligence officers whose offices were responsible for uncovering the Pollard spy case.

I was shocked to see that the top necons of his administration were extremely Pro Zionist Israel. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/04/315848.shtml


The PANC had everything to gain by fabricating an attack and plans like Northwoods, seemed to give it plausibility.

Over time though I realized there were too many Saudi connections to the Bush family, and their family Businesses. It turns out that their business are not just oil, but also drugs. (see the writings of Sherman Skolnick for this :

Sherman Skolnick, Prosecutions Coming


Their connections to the British family, and joint accounts also flabbergasts me. Their family fortune is based on monies gained from trading with the Nazis. So were many other elite families in America.

This led me to start researching the very Wealthy American families of America, and starting with the Rockefellers I saw they have gained control of the money system in the Federal Reserve, and have a plan for a New World Order. They have been buying up most of the mainstream media, and push for their agenda.

David Rockefeller thanks major media for not exposing his New World Order too soon http://houston.indymedia.org/news/2005/06/40311.php

Now with evidence coming from many other researchers I see that this attack was an outgrowth of a consolidation of powers into the executive branch by the elite of this country.

Please see my more recent post, http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/322288.shtml

The Downing Street Memo and the Rove leak are the tip of the iceberg.

I do think the elite of America are allied with various others groups and are pursuing a disastrous foreign policy for average Americans. We Americans have been trusting and generous people, but we now have to wake up, because greed inhabits the strangest places, and we need to know who are real enemies are!


is this all mrs. sheenan???