Bush Needs To Be Impeached For His Own Good


Staff member
Bush Needs To Be Impeached for His Own Good



Bush is acting out the ignorant belief that “might makes right,” which is the universal mistake that has led to the fall of all major empires throughout history.

We are in a ridiculous situation. Our president is morally bankrupt and criminally insane. This is indisputable; all we have to do to see it is open our eyes and look at what he is doing. Bush defiantly continues to break innumerable domestic and international laws of basic ethical human behavior. Bush is literally embodying and acting out on the world stage what it is to be criminally insane. His pathology is symbolically expressed in his act of not only refusing to participate in the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), but threatening the use of military force in the event that any American national is tried before it.

And yet, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have no intention of impeaching Bush. What is wrong with this picture? What does this tell us about Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats? If they don’t hold the Bush administration accountable for their endless crimes against humanity, Pelosi and the Democrats are complicit in the madness and criminality that is being perpetrated by the Bush administration. It is the Democrats’ (not to mention the Republicans’, as well as all patriotic Americans’) ethical and constitutional duty to impeach the occupant of the Oval Office if he is morally and criminally insane. End of argument. We ourselves are also complicit if we don’t demand that Bush and his gang of thugs be removed from office.

Bush clearly has no intention of listening to the will of the American people. He has no intention of listening to the advice of the Iraq Study Group. He has no intention of listening to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He has no intention of voluntarily leaving Iraq. He is in total denial that the War in Iraq, as countless experts have pointed out, is already lost. He is only interested in hearing voices that support his self-serving delusions. Unwilling to face up to and admit his disastrous foreign policy misadventures in Iraq, by wanting to send in more troops he is simply increasing his folly and worsening a catastrophic situation. To quote ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern and retired Army colonel W. Patrick Lang, “Those who believe still more troops will bring "victory" are living in a dangerous dream world and need to wake up.” It is as if Bush has fallen asleep at the wheel and is dreaming. Like a mad person, he is clearly not in touch with reality.

Filled with hubris, Bush is acting out the ignorant belief that “might makes right,” which is the universal mistake that has led to the fall of all major empires throughout history. Bush is (mis)leading us off a cliff, taking our nation down an infernal road of self-destruction. At this point only people who are blind do not see this. We simply cannot passively stand by watching this madness play out for the next two years, just impotently waiting for when Bush’s term is up.

Bush is acting out the adolescent fantasies of a mythic war of good versus evil with our living sons and daughters as his toy soldiers.

Our president is a genuine sociopath; he is clearly not tethered to the real world (which is one of the primary characteristics of madness). Bush lives in the fantasy-land of his own narcissistic imagination. He is acting out the adolescent fantasies of a mythic war of good versus evil with our living sons and daughters as his toy soldiers. He is playing out his extreme unconscious dissociation on the world stage, where he is creating unspeakable suffering for millions of people. He is severely deluded and in extreme denial of what is happening in the real, flesh and blood world. As if blind, Bush is not able to see the destruction he is creating for everyone, himself included. If we don’t see Bush’s madness, however, it is we ourselves who are severely deluded and in extreme denial.

Describing this age-old pathology, the great doctor of the soul, C. G. Jung is as if describing our current president when he said, “...they avoid self-criticism to an amazing degree, preach to others, and know nothing of themselves. They are happy to possess no self-knowledge, because then nothing disturbs the rosy glow of illusions.” Jung is describing the pathological state in which someone becomes taken over by their unconscious and lives in a fantasy world of his or her own self-reinforcing delusions. George Bush is embodying and acting out on the world stage the very pathological state that Jung is describing.

Because of his extreme dissociation, Bush has become “inflated” by his unconscious identification with one side of an inherently two-sided polarity, which as any psychologist knows is a sure sign of madness. Overly identified with the light, Bush splits-off from and projects out his own darkness and then, with the greatest war machine the world has ever known, tries to destroy it as it is reflected back by the world. And yet, in the process Bush has unwittingly become possessed by the very darkness he is trying to destroy. Jung pointed out that “Inflation magnifies the blind spot of the eye.... A clear symptom of this is our growing disinclination to take note of the reactions of the environment and pay heed to them.” When someone is inflated, they don’t accept any reflection or feedback from the outside world which contradicts their self-serving delusions and puffed up image of themselves. Instead of being open, receptive, and learning from the outer world, Bush perversely interprets what is happening in the world so as to feed and support his psychosis.

An inflated consciousness, to again quote Jung, “...is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it [and others within its sphere of influence] dead.” If Jung were alive today, he would not have to change one word to have an exact description of the madness of our current president.

Because of the moral depravity and self-deception that Bush has fallen into, he is the very last person on earth who should be leading our country. As evidenced by his endless trail of failures in his life, he is not even capable of leading his own life effectively, let alone the lives of others. If left in power, Bush will continue to wreak unspeakable havoc on the planet. How can anyone not see this? The prognosis for Bush’s pathology is always “death-creating,” in that it ultimately results in self-destruction, not just for himself, but for all those under his dominion, which in this case is all of us.

We need to save Bush from himself. What would we do if we saw a mad person who was destroying himself? If we were sane, which is to say in touch with our compassion, wouldn’t we intervene and stop that person from doing further damage to himself? If this mad person were in a position of power where he could do damage to not only himself but the rest of us as well, wouldn’t we, for the good of everyone, remove him from his position of power? For God’s sake, (not to mention everyone else’s), Bush needs to be impeached and put in a safe place where he can do no further damage.

Removing Bush and his gang from office ultimately won’t change anything unless we deal with the underlying problem, which is that our present system of government has become irreconcilably corrupted.

Though fully accountable for his actions, Bush is a mere figurehead—a puppet on a string controlled by power-hungry forces behind the scenes. Removing Bush and his gang from office ultimately won’t change anything unless we deal with the underlying problem, which is that our present system of government has become irreconcilably corrupted. Both the Republicans and Democrats are under the control of the same corrupt corporate and oligarchical powers. Removing Bush and Co. from office is a necessary first step in the right direction, however. Bush is not just corrupt and morally challenged, but he is embodying what it is to be criminally insane to a degree that is so over-the-top that it literally takes one’s breath (and life) away. Bush is truly a danger to us all.

The most direct and profound way to restore dignity and respect for the American people in the eyes of the international community would be to impeach George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the other key members of his criminal gang. Changing Bush’s policy of resisting the ICC and joining forces with the global effort to establish an international rule of law, we can then try Bush and his regime for war crimes in the International Criminal Court. To do anything less is criminal.
Do you have this gentlemans E-mail? I'd like to tell him just how right I think he is. That was powerfully worded.
He responded...

hi jon,
thanks for your email. I will check out the 911 thing you sent when I have time. I'm quite familiar with the 911 truth movement, best, paul levy

My response...

Thanks Paul. You may be "familiar" with the "Controlled Demolition/Missile Hitting The Pentagon/No Planes At The WTC/Loose Change, etc..." version of the 9/11 Truth Movement, but the movie I sent you was made in collaboration with the original members of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

