BBC - Newsnight Scotland cover Shayler questioning 911 (video inside)

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Unbelievable as it might seem, for some mad reason I was watching BBC Scotland a minute ago, and they interviewed ex-MI6 (or is it MI5?) officer David Shayler.

They started off talking about the CIA Torture jet using Scotland to land, and then suddenly up comes the 911 question.

Interviewer: "You not seriously suggesting the Americans attacked themselves?!?"

Shayler: "Well I think if you look at the facts, then you have to come to teh conclusion that element of the US government were not acting in accordance with the constituion."

There should be a video here

(Shayler piece starts at about 13mins in - Can anyone capture this??? Because it only stays up for 24 hours)
The actual Shayler piece (interview with him and wife) is only about 1 minute long (if that), but they didn't really ridicule it or anything - just called it a wild conspiracy theory.
I managed to rip the whole thing (11mbs) - I'll upload it. Maybe you can then edit it down to just the piece - I don't have the software for that kind of thing. I'll post when its uploaded.
They talk about the neocons, PNAC, a new pearl harbor. "Perhaps rogue elements within the government did it"

Spectacular!!! Good find Partridge.
I got it Jon, its awesome!!! About 30 seconds of gold!!! (No pun intended)
No worries. It was pure chance I saw it - I usually watch BBC London (there's about 5 different BBC regions) - but I was making dinner when it was on and couldn't be fecked changing the channel.

Oh yeah, sbb, any chance you or Daz can fix the 911 blogger rss feed - it hasn't updated since "Press Conference in Tampa".

anyway, I'm off to bed, night all.
Partridge said:
No worries. It was pure chance I saw it - I usually watch BBC London (there's about 5 different BBC regions) - but I was making dinner when it was on and couldn't be fecked changing the channel.

Oh yeah, sbb, any chance you or Daz can fix the 911 blogger rss feed - it hasn't updated since "Press Conference in Tampa".

anyway, I'm off to bed, night all.
OK, I'll let DZ know, things have been kind of messed up since he moved the site.
Annie Machon, Former MI5 Officer:

The neocons have something called the pnac in which in the year 2000 they laid out their arguments saying they wanted to go in and asset strip the middle east of oil and other resources but they didn't think they would be able to wage war without something like a new Pearl Harbor to generate the sort of outrage amongst the American public to allow them to go ahead and do that. So that might well be one view, I'm not necessarily the official government, but perhaps rogue elements within the government within the Republican party within the intelligence service banded together and did that.

David Shayler, Former MI5 Officer:

I'd say if you look at the evidence that is available at the moment, weight that up on the balance of probabilities, you would be obliged to come to the conclusion that there were elements of the American military, FBI, CIA, State Department, so on who were not loyal to the constitution and who were loyal to other people behind the scenes.