Banned BBC Documentary - Greg Palast - Election 2000 - Video Inside


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Banned BBC Documentary - Greg Palast - Election 2000

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A banned BBC Documentary showing how 20,000 were barred from voting in Florida state during the elections that George W. Bush won after greater opposition. George Bushs brother was behind it.
Gold9472 said:
Banned BBC Documentary - Greg Palast - Election 2000

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A banned BBC Documentary showing how 20,000 were barred from voting in Florida state during the elections that George W. Bush won after greater opposition. George Bushs brother was behind it.

What do you mean "banned"? We don't ban anything in a free country, right?
I don't think it was banned. In fact, when Palast's first(?) book came out (The Best Democracy Money Can Buy), the US version had more in it, named more names (including G Bush Snr's role in a mining murder scandal in Africa) etc than did the UK version that I own. This is because there are far stricter laws in Britain concerning libel and defamation of character. So I doubt that if this was shown on primetime UK tv (which it was on BBC Newsnight, the top political news shown in the UK) that it could be banned under any law in the US.

However. It probably was 'banned' for all intents and purposes in that no major network or cable channel ever showed it (they still haven't to the best of my knowledge), no major publication reviewed it and no pundits ever talked about it. Which is essentially censorship, but no official enough to be called as such.

Palast is probably one of the most popular investigative journalists in the UK. Too bad fuck all people stateside have ever heard of him (and he's from the US).
I've known of him for years. At least his name. You're right. There probably isn't an official "ban", but the refusal to show this on American television is no different. Remember, "The Power Of Nightmares"? That hasn't been shown on American Television either.