Assembly Refuses To Consider Resolution Demanding UW To Fire Instructor


Staff member
Assembly Refuses To Consider Resolution Demanding UW To Fire Instructor
Barrett To Teach Course At UW In Fall

UPDATED: 4:57 pm CDT July 12, 2006

MADISON, Wis. -- The state Assembly Wednesday refused to take up a resolution calling on the University of Wisconsin-Madison to fire an instructor who believes the U.S. government orchestrated the Sept. 11 2001, attacks.

Republican Rep. Steve Nass of Whitewater had drafted a resolution condemning the university's decision this week to allow Kevin Barrett to teach an introductory course on Islam this fall.

The resolution would also have asked the school to immediately cut ties with Barrett.

The Republican-controlled Assembly was in a brief session Wednesday but adjourned without taking up the resolution.

Nass said he decided not to push for the resolution because he would not have votes of two-thirds of the Assembly's 98 members to bring up the resolution.

But he said he plans to get lawmakers to sign his resolution and then send it to the university.