911CitizensWatch.org's C-SPAN Appearances - Video Inside


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911CitizensWatch.org's C-SPAN Appearances

Kyle Hence & John Judge, co-founders of 9/11 CitizensWatch, hold a press conference to critique this week's final hearing of the National September 11 Commission. Victims' families, journalists and government employees are represented among the participants.

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6/18/2004: WASHINGTON, DC: 1 hr.

John Judge & Kyle Hence, co-founders of 9/11 CitizensWatch, hold a press conference to discuss the final report of the Sept. 11 Commission.

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7/22/2004: WASHINGTON, DC: 1 hr.
I love Ray... That analogy about how to defeat Malaria is awesome... The "Rumsfeld Way"...
Did it air prime time? Seems like they're just goin over what we already know, 911 commission was deeply flawed, duh. Wasn't fuckin KISSINGER on the panel? Ya know someone told me that guy was one of the best statemen of our time. I almost choked on my coffee.
Still waitin for cspan to air the l.a. panel.

wasn't it s'posed to happen that week? whats up with the delay?
Ok I'll admit that I only watched the second one... After you said it was the better of the two. It leaves me with the same question: If there is "specific credible evidence," why OH why have none of these murdering fucks been brought up on formal charges? Is it because every time one of them tris to talk, (Sibel or Mineta) they just gag them with the courts, or what? I'm really getting confused here.