91.1 KAOR Vermillion's Daniel Strong Interviews Jon Gold - Audio Inside


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91.1 KAOR Vermillion's Daniel Strong Interviews Jon Gold

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Daniel posted here yesterday asking for an interview. I said ok. Here is something he just sent me.

"Thank you Jon. I really appreciate it. And keep working hard for truth. I think it was entertaining, but more so, I hope it was informative for local people here. This is a small college town in the middle Bush/Cheney country. Today was graduation day, so there was a lot more people driving around in town and maybe some people heard a few things that will lead them to investigate things more."

A BIG thank you to Daniel for the opportunity to speak.
I listened to this the other day -pretty good. I do not know the host but I think it is unfortunate that he was not better prepared. Maybe this is how interviews go and then goes through an editing process or something but this guy stuttering about trying to think of something to say makes this really sound unprofessional. -but that guy Jon Gold rocked!
werther said:
I listened to this the other day -pretty good. I do not know the host but I think it is unfortunate that he was not better prepared. Maybe this is how interviews go and then goes through an editing process or something but this guy stuttering about trying to think of something to say makes this really sound unprofessional. -but that guy Jon Gold rocked!

Yeah, Jon Gold was pretty good. ;)
in that interview you bring up sibel edmunds. I thought I had all the bases covered in terms of the cover-up. But I actually had not heard of this. I did a search in google and did not return much quality links. I did a search in the truther forum without much luck, though I am sure there is something here. Could you please point me in the right direction on the whereabouts of a good run-down regarding the edmunds situation.
werther said:
in that interview you bring up sibel edmunds. I thought I had all the bases covered in terms of the cover-up. But I actually had not heard of this. I did a search in google and did not return much quality links. I did a search in the truther forum without much luck, though I am sure there is something here. Could you please point me in the right direction on the whereabouts of a good run-down regarding the edmunds situation.

You can't find anything on Sibel in the Truther Forum using the search? I find that hard to believe... anywho... here's a piece I wrote about Sibel a while back called, "A Lesson In 9/11 Research".
oops -I wrote you to soon. I was only searching under edmunds and came up with only a couple things. thanks though. sorry to waste your time.
Quote#2- Accurate: "There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized" - (from A Lesson In 9/11 Research)

What was she refering to when she said that?