C-SPAN: 9/11 CitizensWatch Co-founder Confronts Commissioner over Omission of Pakistani Wire Transfers to Atta
Saturday, August 06, 2005 - 02:37 PM
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1 hour and 50 minutes into the video...
Last week live on C-SPAN Kyle F. Hence, Co-founder of 9/11 CitizensWatch, confronted the 9/11 Commission, its Vice-Chair Lee Hamilton and Ambassadors Jones and Ross regarding the omission from the 9/11 Report details of the ISI (Lt. Gen Mahmoud Ahmad) approved wire transfers to purported lead hijacker Atta via a bank in Dubai to two banks in Florida just prior to the attacks of 9/11.
Hence's statement and questions begin at roughly 1 hour and 50 minutes into the two hour 9/11 Public Discourse Project event. Fast forward to 1:50 on the archived stream at C-SPAN.
Hence stated that Gen. Ahmad was sacked just two weeks after 9/11 and that it was Daniel Pearl's wife's belief (as elucidated in her book) that her husband was following this trail when he was kidnapped and subequently murdered.
These wire transfers were confirmed by the FBI and reported by Times of India, AgenceFrance Presse, ABC News and The Wall St. Journal. This statement and question occurred within the last ten minutes of the two hour 9/11 Public Discourse Project event held at the Woodrow Wilson International Center on August 2nd and broadcast live on C-SPAN from 9:30 to 11:30AM. Lee Hamilton attempted to cut off the CitizensWatch co-founder just as he mentioned the news sources for the story. NOTE from Kyle F. Hence:
Given the limitations of discourse allowed by the 9/11 Public Discourse Project I was prevented on August 2nd from issueing a public challenge to the former Commissioner for a public debate regarding their performance relative to the first mandate given the Commission: that is to provide a full accounting of the facts and circumstances surrounding the attacks of September 11th.
Perhaps, a public campaign is in order now to challenge them to debate the 9/11 family members who have challenged their findings and researchers and whistleblowers ignored during their so-called investigation and subsequently since the release of their increasingly discredited report.
Timing is perfect as Lee Hamilton and the 9/11 Public Discourse Project are planning to issue a Report Card on the Congress performance on implementing the recommendations put forward by the Commission, this even as the Commission has avoided any public scrutiny on the findings of facts and circumstances, that is until Congresswoman McKinney and Congressman Grijalva sponsored all day briefings on the Hill on July 22nd.
Saturday, August 06, 2005 - 02:37 PM
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1 hour and 50 minutes into the video...
Last week live on C-SPAN Kyle F. Hence, Co-founder of 9/11 CitizensWatch, confronted the 9/11 Commission, its Vice-Chair Lee Hamilton and Ambassadors Jones and Ross regarding the omission from the 9/11 Report details of the ISI (Lt. Gen Mahmoud Ahmad) approved wire transfers to purported lead hijacker Atta via a bank in Dubai to two banks in Florida just prior to the attacks of 9/11.
Hence's statement and questions begin at roughly 1 hour and 50 minutes into the two hour 9/11 Public Discourse Project event. Fast forward to 1:50 on the archived stream at C-SPAN.
Hence stated that Gen. Ahmad was sacked just two weeks after 9/11 and that it was Daniel Pearl's wife's belief (as elucidated in her book) that her husband was following this trail when he was kidnapped and subequently murdered.
These wire transfers were confirmed by the FBI and reported by Times of India, AgenceFrance Presse, ABC News and The Wall St. Journal. This statement and question occurred within the last ten minutes of the two hour 9/11 Public Discourse Project event held at the Woodrow Wilson International Center on August 2nd and broadcast live on C-SPAN from 9:30 to 11:30AM. Lee Hamilton attempted to cut off the CitizensWatch co-founder just as he mentioned the news sources for the story. NOTE from Kyle F. Hence:
Given the limitations of discourse allowed by the 9/11 Public Discourse Project I was prevented on August 2nd from issueing a public challenge to the former Commissioner for a public debate regarding their performance relative to the first mandate given the Commission: that is to provide a full accounting of the facts and circumstances surrounding the attacks of September 11th.
Perhaps, a public campaign is in order now to challenge them to debate the 9/11 family members who have challenged their findings and researchers and whistleblowers ignored during their so-called investigation and subsequently since the release of their increasingly discredited report.
Timing is perfect as Lee Hamilton and the 9/11 Public Discourse Project are planning to issue a Report Card on the Congress performance on implementing the recommendations put forward by the Commission, this even as the Commission has avoided any public scrutiny on the findings of facts and circumstances, that is until Congresswoman McKinney and Congressman Grijalva sponsored all day briefings on the Hill on July 22nd.