Rep. Nass Tries To Pass A Resolution To Get Kevin Barrett Fired


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Nass seeks Barrett's firing

(Gold9472: Hmmmm... a phrase comes to mind... "Attack Dogs". Why the need for them? If he's a "nut", then why do you care what he has to say about 9/11? Should students be taught one point of view? The Government's point of view? Or should students be taught that the world is not black and white, and that there is a definite need to understand the gray?)

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by Bob Hague

A legislator wants a controversial UW lecturer to be fired.

With lawmakers at the Capitol to act on state employee contracts, Representative Steve Nass is pushing a resolution on Kevin Barrett. "It will underscore the displeasure that legislators have with the university decision," said Nass. UW Madison officials on Monday decided to let Barrett teach an introductory class on Islam, despite Barrett's now well-publicized view that the Bush administration was behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks on America. Nass said that's not the decision he was hoping for; "they should terminate him, without question."

The Whitewater Republican said competency and academic quality, not academic freedom, is the issue here, and that Barrett is unable to provide evidence that would back up his position on on the 9-11 attacks.
ZachM said:
First 9/11 Truth was ignored, then it was laughed at, now it is being fought. If Gandhi's statement applies here, the next step will be winning. :)

Good point. Regardless of how this playes out this sort of hostility means recognition. Though personally of course I wish Kevin Barett all the best and hope Rep. Nass won't be able to pull anything off against him.

This is a clear-cut attempt of pressuring a dissident because of his politicial views. I grew up in the Soviet Union, and to me this sounds quite Soviet (it was harsher there, of course, but the idea is about the same).