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Thread: Michael Moore Owns Halliburton

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Michael Moore Owns Halliburton

    Michael Moore owns Halliburton!
    New book debunks claims of celebrity activists

    © 2005
    Posted: November 1, 2005

    "I don't own a single share of stock!" filmmaker Michael Moore proudly proclaimed.

    He's right. He doesn't own a single share. He owns tens of thousands of shares – including nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Foods, more than 3,000 of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 of Bank One and more than 2,000 of Halliburton, the company most vilified by Moore in "Fahrenheit 9/11."

    If you want to see Moore's own signed Schedule D declaring his capital gains and losses where his stock ownership is listed, it's emblazoned on the cover of Peter Schweizer's new book, "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy."

    And it's just one of the startling revelations by Schweizer, famous for his previous works, "Reagan's War" and "The Bushes."

    Other examples:

    • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who proclaims her support for unions, yet the luxury resort, the vineyard and the restaurants she partly owns are strictly non-union. While she advocates tough new laws enforcing environmental regulations on the private sector, the exclusive country club she partly owns failed to comply with existing environmental regulations for the past eight years – including a failure to protect endangered species.
    • Noam Chomsky has made a reputation for calling America a police state and branding the Pentagon "the most hideous institution on earth," yet his entire academic career, writes Schweizer, has been subsidized by the U.S. military.
    • Barbra Streisand is another proponent of environmentalism, yet she drives an SUV, lives in a mansion and has a $22,000 annual water bill. In the past, she has driven to appointments in Beverly Hills in a motor home because of her aversion to using public bathrooms.
    • Ralph Nader plays the role of the citizen avenger – the populist uninterested in wealth and materialism, pretending to live in a modest apartment. In fact, he lives in fancy homes registered in the names of his siblings.

    This is not just a book of "gotcha" journalism, explains Schweizer. He says the dozens and dozens of examples of "liberal hypocrisy" he cites in his book "are of central importance in evaluating the validity and usefulness of liberal ideas."

    "Using IRS records, court depositions, news reports, financial disclosures and their own statements, I sought to answer a particular question: Do these liberal leaders and activists practice what they preach?" he writes. "What I found was a stunning record of open and shameless hypocrisy. Those who champion the cause of organized labor had developed various methods to avoid paying union wages or shunned unions altogether.

    "Those who believe that the rich need to pay more in taxes proved especially adept at avoiding taxes themselves. Critics of capitalism and corporate enterprise frequently invested in the very companies they denounced. Those who espouse strict environmental regulations worked vigorously to sidestep them when it came to their own businesses and properties. Those who advocate steep inheritance taxes to promote fairer income distribution hid their investments in trusts or exotic overseas locales to reduce their own tax liability. Those who are strong proponents of affirmative action rarely practiced it themselves, and some had abysmal records when it came to hiring minorities. Those who proclaim themselves champions of civil liberties when it comes to criminal or terrorist cases went to extraordinary lengths to curtail the civil liberties of others when they felt threatened or just inconvenienced. Advocates of gun control had no problem making sure that an arsenal of weapons was available to protect them from dangerous criminals."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    The only thing I know to be true is the Streisand story. If the rest is true, then wow!

  3. #3
    Partridge Guest
    Oh my God! Some liberals are hypocrites! The overpowering shock of it all! I need a lie down...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    One of the reasons I posted this was to show people that this board is not meant to be "partisan". Granted, the majority of the stuff that we focus on is Bush-related, but that's his fault really... for being such a lying, murderous bastard... if someone from the other side of the isle does something wrong, you can bet your ass I'll post it... like Charlie Rangel calling for a draft, etc...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    jetsetlemming Guest
    I don't get how he links his topic to making the liberal ideals themselves wrong. Thats like how liberals point out something about Reagan (like Iran-Contra) then say that proves Reaganomics wrong. It's a complete non-sequitor. Of course, those liberal ideals really are wrong, but this isn't what makes them wrong. They've been tested in real life situations and they just about always fail.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "Liberal ideals really are wrong", and "They've been tested in real life situations and they just about always fail"

    Where do you get this information?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    jetsetlemming Guest
    Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Rielly, of course. :D Where did you think, Sean Hannity? Ha!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Yea but Rush, Bill, and Sean are Nazi sympathizers.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #9
    jetsetlemming Guest
    Communism and Socialism are liberal ideals, and both significantly lowered the quality of life of the people living in countries governed by them. Also: see Germany. Germany has an extremely liberal government, and absolutely miserable citizens (remember this? Remember that whole Enron thing? The reason the company failed (which gave the businessmen the oppotunity to rip off the stick market) was caused by California legislating the electricity bill costs, which ruined power company's profits. There's plenty of examples of feel-good politics fucking things up.

  10. #10
    jetsetlemming Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Yea but Rush, Bill, and Sean are Nazi sympathizers.
    Where do you get this information?

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