Quote Originally Posted by MamaSez
Griffin made this point very well in his article, "The 9/11 Commision Report: A 571 Page Lie" (http://www.911truth.org/article.php?...50523112738404) He lists 100+ questions they never answered...

I think the point is this: Yeah, we know they didn't complete their mandate. On the other hand, they made it very clear ahead of time that it was not their mission to "place blame." So what is it we can do about that? Every one of the Commissioners had ridiculous conflicts of interest (including Cleland, btw)--it was a scam from the beginning. Yet NO ONE in congress called them to task on it before, during or after the charade. No one listened to the families. No one listened to the 9/11 activists and groups demanding a real investigation... They even had the audacity to have Zelikow/Rice's publisher publish the damned thing and actually SELL it to the American people. (Since when are governmental reports for sale???)

My question remains--what are we going to do about it? And I firmly believe that until we have honest-to-god legal proceedings to indict and convict on murder, treason, etc. or a revolution, the answer remains... not a damn thing! At what point will the people go on General Strike and surround the capitol/white house until the occupiers flee in terror? Vive South Americans... What will it take here in the way-too-comfortable USA?
Gas prices were doing it... but now they're starting to go down...