View Poll Results: Do You Know What The Downing Street Memo Is?

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Thread: Do You Know What The Downing Street Memo Is?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Do You Know What The Downing Street Memo Is?

    I'm just curious...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    WhiteGuySaysThis Guest
    I've been learning though...

  3. #3
    princesskittypoo Guest
    i've read everything you've posted about the downing street memo and still the language is too over my head... i have no idea what it is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Basically, it's proof that the Bush Administration planned for the Iraq war long before they presented the idea to Congress... and that they manipulated the intelligence to suit the policy.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    princesskittypoo Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Basically, it's proof that the Bush Administration planned for the Iraq war long before they presented the idea to Congress... and that they manipulated the intelligence to suit the policy.
    everyone knew when bush was running (even if it wasn't said) that he was going to start a war with iraq. afghanistan now i had no idea about. what ever country is next on the list... ditto too....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    (Gold9472: Posted in another thread... the reason I created this one)

    "You know what's funny? Being the person that I am... yesterday I was excited about June 16th (the DSM Hearings)... I stopped at 7-11 to pick up some coffee (and spilled it ALL when I got home), but while I was there, I was standing in line, making coffee... and there was a guy there...

    I said, "Hey... are you a Kerry or Bush fan?", and he said, "Well, I guess Kerry"... and I said, "Well guess what? They're having hearings on June 16th about the Downing Street Memo!!!", and he said, "The what?""
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    princesskittypoo Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    (Gold9472: Posted in another thread... the reason I created this one)

    "You know what's funny? Being the person that I am... yesterday I was excited about June 16th (the DSM Hearings)... I stopped at 7-11 to pick up some coffee (and spilled it ALL when I got home), but while I was there, I was standing in line, making coffee... and there was a guy there...

    I said, "Hey... are you a Kerry or Bush fan?", and he said, "Well, I guess Kerry"... and I said, "Well guess what? They're having hearings on June 16th about the Downing Street Memo!!!", and he said, "The what?""
    like i thought average joe doesn't know smoe about dsm

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Would you like to know jetsetlemming?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #9
    jetsetlemming Guest
    I saw qoutes in Al Franken's latest book from Bush from before 9/11 that said he's looking at Iraq and wanting to start something. Why do you need some fancy memo, and whats the hearing for?

  10. #10
    jetsetlemming Guest
    To say publicly "Bush wanted Iraq before 9/11"? 'Cause he already fessed up to wanting closure in the desert storm stuff. Thats what I see as the reason Bush pressed the war into Iraq, a genuine dislike of Hussien, and a desire for getting him back.

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