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Thread: Mickey Mouse fights the Zionist pigs

  1. #1
    thumper Guest

    Mickey Mouse fights the Zionist pigs

  2. #2
    Chana3812 Guest
    Yeah, kinda reminds me of that video I saw ....... the one where the children here in the USA were taught to worship Bush and to kill those who didn't accept Jesus (which would be my Jewish azz) - I think they called it Jesus Camp.

    Crazy fukkers everywhere - just different religions.

  3. #3
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Jewish azz is hot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sorry thumper... the "Muslims" are not our enemy. It is the individuals in Government who make decisions that benefit the few, and disregard the many.

    I edited your post.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    thumper Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Sorry thumper... the "Muslims" are not our enemy. It is the individuals in Government who make decisions that benefit the few, and disregard the many.

    I edited your post.
    sorry jon

  6. #6
    MrDark71 Guest
    [QUOTE=Chana3812]Yeah, kinda reminds me of that video I saw ....... the one where the children here in the USA were taught to worship Bush and to kill those who didn't accept Jesus (which would be my Jewish azz) - I think they called it Jesus Camp.

    "accepts Jesus" in what way? .....his mere existance? ....or that he was the "son of God"

  7. #7
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Chana3812
    Yeah, kinda reminds me of that video I saw ....... the one where the children here in the USA were taught to worship Bush and to kill those who didn't accept Jesus (which would be my Jewish azz) - I think they called it Jesus Camp.

    "accepts Jesus" in what way? .....his mere existance? ....or that he was the "son of God"
    Clearly they're Christians, so both.

  8. #8
    Chana3812 Guest
    I think Jesus was a good rabbi, that he was a true liberal in his day... just don't believe he is The Diety.

  9. #9
    MrDark71 Guest
    Jesus rules. His lil take on the 10 commandments is quite brilliant. But to believe he is the "son of God" ....or for that matter that there is any God except for MoNa a bit of a stretch.

  10. #10
    AuGmENTor Guest
    I look at the world around me (the good parts) and I just know in my heart we were made by something, and are not complicated oooze. I get bashed for this all the time, and I'm getting better at taking it, so go ahead, smash away...

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