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Thread: If You Have A Name, Please Use It

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    If You Have A Name, Please Use It

    If You Have A Name, Please Use It

    The 9/11 Truth Movement is comprised of many individuals from all over this country, and all over this world. There are people who spend countless hours doing everything they can to tell the next person what's going on regarding the lies surrounding 9/11. They do it with their computers. They do it with their creativity. They do it with what little money they have, and they do it because they know that murdering 3000 of their own is wrong.

    A little while ago, a famous person by the name of Charlie Sheen came onto the scene talking about 9/11 Truth. He did a fantastic job, and I give him all of the credit in the world. He was calm. He understood that he was being patriotic. He knew that it was ok to ask questions, and that you shouldn't be chastised for doing it. Of course, as we all know, Charlie got hit pretty hard with the media backlash, and by statements from his ex-wife, Denise Richards. I don't know if any of her allegations are true, but I do know that divorce can be extremely ugly, and I wouldn't put it past anyone to concoct the story of the "wife beating, internet porn addicted" movie star. Especially someone who really had the "hots" for Tommy Lee.

    That being said, as a result of the backlash Charlie received, his words about 9/11 truth have no longer gotten any coverage on the television set. The last show that was supposed to be about 9/11 on "Showbiz Tonight" was cancelled. Their reasoning was because they couldn't find someone with an adequate counter-argument. You know, someone from the Commission itself.

    Since that time, with the help of movies like "Loose Change 2" from Dylan Avery, and the newly released movie entitled, "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" from John Albanese, the 9/11 Truth Movement has gained a TREMENDOUS amount of momentum.

    However, the TV's are still silent. The TV's are still telling us that everything is ok, and that we should go about our lives, regardless of the fact that, as our President said recently, we're in the middle of "World War III".

    We need to hear from those people who can get the Televisions to listen to what they have to say. We need to hear from those people who have a voice in "Today's America" because the people no longer do.

    We know you are out there. We hear ramblings from time to time of this "beloved" person, or that "famous" individual who questions 9/11.

    Well, where are you? Your country is dying, and "Joe Schmoe American" can only do so much.

    It's time to ask yourselves what's more important, your famous name, your famous money, your famous houses, or your children and grandchildrens' futures?

    Please make the right decision. Time is no longer on our side.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    AndrewLoweWatson Guest
    Excellent stuff. I sent this email to Jon Snow of Channel Four News today ( who by the way didn't mention the Pentagon Video).

    A time comes when silence is betrayal

    When Martin Luther King said those words in 1968, the world faced the danger of nuclear war between the superpowers.

    That danger has returned, and unbelievably there is now talk of an American first strike on Iran. This is madness.

    Coupled with that is the ever-present talk, from both George Bush and Tony Blair, of a 'War on Terror'. It is always implied that the terror comes from militant Muslim extremists.

    But this talk is a lie. The terror is home-grown. The world is poised on the brink of annihilation because of a terrible, shameless lie. The root of that lie is in 9/11, the basest day in the history of America. What we know about 9/11 we also fear is true of 7/7.

    Heads of governments, Bush insiders, retired USAF generals, congressmen and a British MP all agree that 911 was not the work of Arab terrorists working alone. A vast number of people - 83% in a recent CNN poll - have woken to the reality of what happened that day in New York. We all work tirelessly to bring the truth to the public, so that they can make up their own minds.

    There is one thing in the way of truth. The media blackout.

    Mr Snow, I say now. You must end that blackout. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.

    There is a showing on Thursday of a new film called 911Eyewitness at the Genesis cinema, Mile End Road at 6.30 pm. It will change forever your view of the fall of the Twin Towers. Some leading figures in the UK 911 movement will be there, including David Shayler and Annie Machon. You should go live to the talk after the film to get reactions.

    You have this chance to make history. It is given to few. Take it!

    Yours sincerely

    Andrew Lowe Watson

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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