Weekly Standard Attacks 9/11 Skeptics
Wayne Madsen | September 28 2005
WMR and this editor attacked by Rupert Murdoch's and whiny Bill Kristol's right-wing rag, The Weekly Standard. I participated in a 911 Truth Panel chaired by Georgia Democratic Representative Cynthia McKinney on September 23. The panel was sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus's annual conference. An article by Sonny Bunch, formerly with Roll Call, about the conclave is titled, "March of the Conspiracy Theorists: America's nuts make the long journey to Washington."
Notice how the neo-cons reach for infantile descriptors when they get their panties in a twist? As for my "long journey" to Washington -- if hopping on the Metro in Arlington, Virginia and getting off seven stations away in DC is a "long journey," I guess it is as long as The Weekly Standard says so.
I could go on forever about how a conspiracy of neo-con "nuts," including the pathetic sycophant Bill Kristol and the James Bond villainesque Rupert Murdoch, lied this country into a war in Iraq and stand ready to do the same exact thing with Iran, Syria, and God knows where else.
But I'll just relate a story about The Weekly Standard and its pitiful circulation and subsidization as a Republican propaganda handbill by Murdoch. When I used to appear on Fox News Channel as a token liberal "punching bag," I could always tell that Kristol had been on the air before me. Fox would send around a Lincoln to take me to the Fox studio at 400 North Capitol Street. In the seat pocket would be about ten copies of the Weekly Standard. Arriving at Fox's reception area and lying on the table were about five copies of the Weekly Standard. In the green room on the table, carefully placed over the Washington Post and New York Times were -- you guessed it -- more copies of the Weekly Standard. The Fox staff said that Kristol left his magazines around everywhere before he appeared on the air. Why were these copies lying around? Because no one -- none of the other guests, the Fox producers, the camera, sound, makeup and cleaning staff -- reads The Weekly Standard, which eventually was tossed into the garbage as fast as it was dropped around the Fox bureau by Kristol.
The Weekly Standard piece by Sonny Bunch states:
Wayne Madsen, author of the Wayne Madsen Report, was one of three questioners of the panelists. His hatred of all things George W. Bush, and love of all things conspiratorial, almost rises to self-parody. In a November, 2002 article in CounterPunch, a progressive newsletter, he had this convoluted analysis of Karl Rove's role in McKinney's reelection campaign:
Undoubtedly, Rove was also behind the campaign to "get" Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politician to question what Bush may have known beforehand about 9-11. She was defeated by a former Republican state judge who had supported the wacky Alan Keyes for President in 2000. Never mind, McKinney was "less with Bush" than Keyes, so it was more important to get McKinney who was "more against" Bush.
Polemicist Bunch conveys the notion that my explanation was convoluted. But Bunch fails -- as is the style of the neo-cons -- to mention that my "description" of the Georgia election was a parody of George W. Bush's non-mastery of the English language. The sentence just prior to the above paragraph reads:
"So in Bushspeak, which is obviously borrowed from Forrest Gump's scripts, "if you're less with me than the other guy, you're more against me."
So, while the Standard's scribe considers himself to be a expert on "self parody," he obviously does not understand simple "parody" or just chose to ignore it.
This journalistic spasmodic "St. Vitus Dance" reaction is a sign that the neo-cons are taking notice of this four month old web site. And that means that your generous financial and other support has and is making a difference. Thanks again! As Dan Rather likes to say, "Courage!"
Wayne Madsen | September 28 2005
WMR and this editor attacked by Rupert Murdoch's and whiny Bill Kristol's right-wing rag, The Weekly Standard. I participated in a 911 Truth Panel chaired by Georgia Democratic Representative Cynthia McKinney on September 23. The panel was sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus's annual conference. An article by Sonny Bunch, formerly with Roll Call, about the conclave is titled, "March of the Conspiracy Theorists: America's nuts make the long journey to Washington."
Notice how the neo-cons reach for infantile descriptors when they get their panties in a twist? As for my "long journey" to Washington -- if hopping on the Metro in Arlington, Virginia and getting off seven stations away in DC is a "long journey," I guess it is as long as The Weekly Standard says so.
I could go on forever about how a conspiracy of neo-con "nuts," including the pathetic sycophant Bill Kristol and the James Bond villainesque Rupert Murdoch, lied this country into a war in Iraq and stand ready to do the same exact thing with Iran, Syria, and God knows where else.
But I'll just relate a story about The Weekly Standard and its pitiful circulation and subsidization as a Republican propaganda handbill by Murdoch. When I used to appear on Fox News Channel as a token liberal "punching bag," I could always tell that Kristol had been on the air before me. Fox would send around a Lincoln to take me to the Fox studio at 400 North Capitol Street. In the seat pocket would be about ten copies of the Weekly Standard. Arriving at Fox's reception area and lying on the table were about five copies of the Weekly Standard. In the green room on the table, carefully placed over the Washington Post and New York Times were -- you guessed it -- more copies of the Weekly Standard. The Fox staff said that Kristol left his magazines around everywhere before he appeared on the air. Why were these copies lying around? Because no one -- none of the other guests, the Fox producers, the camera, sound, makeup and cleaning staff -- reads The Weekly Standard, which eventually was tossed into the garbage as fast as it was dropped around the Fox bureau by Kristol.
The Weekly Standard piece by Sonny Bunch states:
Wayne Madsen, author of the Wayne Madsen Report, was one of three questioners of the panelists. His hatred of all things George W. Bush, and love of all things conspiratorial, almost rises to self-parody. In a November, 2002 article in CounterPunch, a progressive newsletter, he had this convoluted analysis of Karl Rove's role in McKinney's reelection campaign:
Undoubtedly, Rove was also behind the campaign to "get" Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politician to question what Bush may have known beforehand about 9-11. She was defeated by a former Republican state judge who had supported the wacky Alan Keyes for President in 2000. Never mind, McKinney was "less with Bush" than Keyes, so it was more important to get McKinney who was "more against" Bush.
Polemicist Bunch conveys the notion that my explanation was convoluted. But Bunch fails -- as is the style of the neo-cons -- to mention that my "description" of the Georgia election was a parody of George W. Bush's non-mastery of the English language. The sentence just prior to the above paragraph reads:
"So in Bushspeak, which is obviously borrowed from Forrest Gump's scripts, "if you're less with me than the other guy, you're more against me."
So, while the Standard's scribe considers himself to be a expert on "self parody," he obviously does not understand simple "parody" or just chose to ignore it.
This journalistic spasmodic "St. Vitus Dance" reaction is a sign that the neo-cons are taking notice of this four month old web site. And that means that your generous financial and other support has and is making a difference. Thanks again! As Dan Rather likes to say, "Courage!"