Carol sent me these...
The truth about Zelikow and the Sept. 11 cover-up commission
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Philip Zelikow will speak at Kresge Auditorium, today, from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. We plan to protest the Sept. 11 cover-up and to raise questions about his role as executive director of the 9-11 Commission and the Commission’s report.
Zelikow, a national security adviser to both Bush administrations and a principal author of the official 9-11 Commission Report, was part of Bush’s transition team for the National Security Council after the 2000 election. He was appointed to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board a month after the Sept. 11 2001 attacks.
The Family Steering Committee called for his resignation because of his obvious conflicts of interests.
While Sept. 11 has been used to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, shred the Constitution and Bill of Rights, construct a global police state, enrich weapons manufacturers and seize oil assets, there have been no convictions in any courts of law supporting the government conspiracy theory, particularly the Saddam Hussein / Al Qaeda link.
The 9-11 Commission failed to mention or address the multiple war games / exercises that were being conducted that day, out of the White House. As many as five war game drills were in process, some involving hijacked airliners, a plane crashing into a building, some involving false blips deliberately inserted onto FAA and military radar screens.
One exercise pulled significant fighter resources away from the Northeastern United States on Sept. 11.
These exercises involved North American Air Defense Command, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Canadian Air Force, the CIA and the National Reconnaissance Office.
Coincidentally, in New York City, massive preparations were underway for a biochemical attack drill involving FEMA, the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management, the FBI, the U.S. Department of Justice, Weill Medical College, the N.Y. Deptartment of Health, the N.Y. Fire Department, the N.Y. Police Department, the American Red Cross and the Port Authority.
The Secret Service and Cheney’s overseeing role during the events of Sept. 11 were overlooked. This was documented in Michael Ruppert’s new book “Crossing the Rubicon – The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.”
The Commissioners and Zelikow had deep conflicts of interest and many reasons to cover up the truth about Sept. 11.
They are now engaged in a public relations effort to sell the official narrative and the war on terrorism. Both the official inquiry and the Commission’s parameters were to support the official story and justify the creation of Homeland Security Department.
Homeland Security in German is “geheimstadt politza,” which during World War II was abbreviated to Gestapo. Do Americans really believe a “Gestapo” will make us safer?
The Stanford Institute for International Studies is sponsoring Zelikow’s talk, but the Department of Homeland Security has awarded a 15-month $1.65-million contract to CISAC and the Stanford Institute for International Studies to conduct research on how national and local agencies improve the design and evaluation of future terrorist exercises of national and local response systems.
The DHS research contract resulted from CISAC’s observation of last year’s spring State Department-DHS-sponsored, full-scale exercise called TOPOFF2, designed to prepare national, state and local officials to respond to potential terrorist attacks within the United States.
The United States has a long history of training terrorists and launching covert operations throughout the world.
Terrorism allows states to declare emergencies, label all opposition as terrorists and reduce civil rights.
Carol Brouillet is an organizer for the International Inquiry into 9-11, a group that is responsible for exposing information about Sept. 11.
Zelikow says U.S. has more work to do
By Joe Sexton
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Philip Zelikow, the executive director of the 9 / 11 Commission, emphasized the failures of pre-Sept. 11 anti-terrorism measures and the many weaknesses that remain at a talk yesterday afternoon at Kresge Auditorium.
His remarks drew heavily on the findings and recommendations of the 9 / 11 Commission Report, which he co-authored.
Zelikow, who was invited to campus by the Stanford Institute for International Studies and the World Affairs Council of Northern California, also spoke about the reforms that needed to be enacted to more fully secure the United States.
“We found that none of the countermeasures made by the United States in the years preceding 9 / 11 did anything to even delay the attacks,” Zelikow said. “We had a national security state that was designed to win the Cold War. We had done so, but we were left incapable of facing challenges like the ones we faced on Sept. 11.”
Zelikow claimed that the attacks were a result of an unimaginative and poorly run intelligence community.
“History doesn’t repeat itself in Xerox copies, so you have to look deeper,” Zelikow said. “The way things are with the intelligence community, we are not capable of implementing a management strategy to counter terrorism. We have a government that has not yet entered the 21st century when it comes to management.”
At times, Zelikow was interrupted by protesters who loudly voiced their opposition to him and to President George W. Bush’s administration.
One audience member blew a referee’s whistle and accused the U.S. government of perpetrating the attacks. Another called Zelikow a “scurrilous liar,” while another claimed that Stanford was “complicit in the 9/11 cover-up.”
Event organizers removed the protesters, and Zelikow coolly responded by saying to the audience, “Welcome to my world.”
The message of the protesters, who are associated with an organization called the Northern California 9 / 11 Truth Alliance, did not seem to resonate well with the audience.
“I thought [the protesters] were disruptive, not effective and annoying,” said senior Sheena Chestnut. “I don’t think that the outbursts were constructive in getting their message across, nor did I think their message was very clear in the first place.”
Zelikow used the protesters’ diatribes as a transition into offering personal reflections about his experience as an embattled political figure at the helm of a commission investigating an emotionally charged event.
“I became an outlet [for the anger of people who suffered on 9/11],” Zelikow said. “I was often held responsible for all of the things that went wrong.
“The attacks came from both sides. I was also attacked from the right by [a conservative columnist] who claimed I hijacked the commission to attack the Bush administration,” he added.
He concluded the talk by commenting on the goals of the commission report and his satisfaction with the American public’s response.
“From the beginning, I wanted the report to be a book and I wanted it to be in every bookstore in America,” Zelikow said. “We also wanted to make sure that we were not writing down to people.”
Even several months after its initial release, the 9 / 11 Commission Report ranks 30th on USA Today’s best-seller list.
Zelikow said he was elated that the commission was able to produce a product that has been widely read without having to compromise on the sophistication of the text.
“[The success of the book] shows that you can write up to people.”