Americans Need to Decide Which Side of the War They are On
(Gold9472: I posted this because I wanted to see what their ammunition was. It's laughable. Tell me why.)
February 05, 2006 08:26 AM EST
On the same day I read a 15 page transcription of a radio address given on Syrian radio by Iraq's Al Qa’ida’s leader, Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi I also read a 45 page address given at Utah Valley State College in my home town of Provo, Utah by BYU physics professor Steven E. Jones. Steve told his large audience that the destruction of the World Trade Center was not caused by those 17 Muslim radicals who high-jacked American Airliners and flew them into the buildings.
He says that the "astounding ignorance of government officials" at the federal and presumably the state level is covering up the "real" story. The [“official”] story just does not add up,” Steve says, and that "should be of great concern to all Americans.
There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11."
The argument here seems to be – if it REALLY was not those airplanes that brought down the World Trade Center then, ipso facto, there really is no terrorism to be concerned about.
However, largely unreported, -Zarqawi recently listed his demands:
“First, expelling the invaders from our land in Palestine and Iraq and the rest of the land of Islam. (Note: this Al Qa'ida goal is shared, it appears, by most Democrats and a number of people, including apparently Steve Jones, who think we are in Iraq for no good reason.)
“Second, establishing God's Shari'ah [Islamic law] on earth, spreading the justice of Islam, and eliminating the injustice of [other] religions.
“We will not stop the raids until Islam triumphs and Shari'ah is established or we perish while doing that."
Raids? What raids? Should we actually be interested in any Al Qa'ida raids or should we listen to those who tell us that our REAL threat is coming from the White House in Washington, D.C?
According to Steve, the real problem here is the President, not Zarqawi and his fellow terrorists. He tells us that the WTC was destroyed by explosives someone set off in the basement of the buildings, presumably about an hour and fifteen minutes after the first plane hit the first building. Steve's analysis, based on pictures, reports of others and his understanding of physics, has not led to him questioning ANY of the scientific arguments involved – but to give lectures blaming his own government.
Since most of the physicists I know disagree with Steve, some of them rather vehemently, I’ll leave the physics to them. I am not a physicist but I was at one time, one of the building contractors hired by FEMA to inspect earthquake damage in the 1989 Santa Clara County earthquake.
I know that what is SUPPOSED to happen based on what the “experts” say and what often DOES happen – isn’t the same thing. I inspected buildings that slid down hills into the canyon below in spite of having been built at great expense, to comply with the latest earthquake design requirements and saw old buildings next door with no earthquake protection features with no damage at all. I also saw the total destruction of a house on the fault line in the Santa Clara Mountains and I inspected the house next door which was totally intact except for about 10 bricks that fell off its chimney. Clearly the Power that started the earthquake had not read the Santa Clara County building code.
Zarqawi said in his radio address to Syrians
“All that you hear from the liar of the White House that the situation in Iraq is continuously improving and that the Iraqi army began to shoulder its responsibilities and spread its control over Baghdad and other cities is sheer lies and forgery. By God, this army, which God's enemy, Bush, is inflating and behind which he is taking shelter against the strikes of the mujahidin, cannot protect itself from the swords of believers in God.”…
“God willing, what they are facing at the hands of the mujahidin will make them forget the horrors of Vietnam. What you have seen over the past days; namely, the pinpointed firing of rockets on the grandchildren of monkeys and pigs [derogatory reference to Jews] from southern Lebanon is the beginning of a blessed action to strike the Zionist enemy at the heart of its existence, God willing. …
“Let America and its ally, the state of Zion, know that liberating the city [Jerusalem], from which the messenger of Allah made his midnight journey to heaven, is in the essence of the Muslims' creed. The Muslims in Palestine are backed by a nation that does not tolerate injustice.”
I suspect “that nation” is Iran. The time is coming , perhaps sooner than we realize, when every American is going to have to decide which side of this war on terror they are actually on - Zarqawi's or George W. Bush’s. Do we sit back and watch as Iran and their Palestinian friends annihilate the Jews in the State of Israel? Or, do we take the side of Zarqawi and Iran, give up our various religions and just try to placate them?
For Al Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi's Demands the threats against America Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi Zarqawi's Declarations <> about Americans in Iraq.
For Steve Jones' paper Click Here: "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? <>
(Gold9472: I posted this because I wanted to see what their ammunition was. It's laughable. Tell me why.)
February 05, 2006 08:26 AM EST
On the same day I read a 15 page transcription of a radio address given on Syrian radio by Iraq's Al Qa’ida’s leader, Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi I also read a 45 page address given at Utah Valley State College in my home town of Provo, Utah by BYU physics professor Steven E. Jones. Steve told his large audience that the destruction of the World Trade Center was not caused by those 17 Muslim radicals who high-jacked American Airliners and flew them into the buildings.
He says that the "astounding ignorance of government officials" at the federal and presumably the state level is covering up the "real" story. The [“official”] story just does not add up,” Steve says, and that "should be of great concern to all Americans.
There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11."
The argument here seems to be – if it REALLY was not those airplanes that brought down the World Trade Center then, ipso facto, there really is no terrorism to be concerned about.
However, largely unreported, -Zarqawi recently listed his demands:
“First, expelling the invaders from our land in Palestine and Iraq and the rest of the land of Islam. (Note: this Al Qa'ida goal is shared, it appears, by most Democrats and a number of people, including apparently Steve Jones, who think we are in Iraq for no good reason.)
“Second, establishing God's Shari'ah [Islamic law] on earth, spreading the justice of Islam, and eliminating the injustice of [other] religions.
“We will not stop the raids until Islam triumphs and Shari'ah is established or we perish while doing that."
Raids? What raids? Should we actually be interested in any Al Qa'ida raids or should we listen to those who tell us that our REAL threat is coming from the White House in Washington, D.C?
According to Steve, the real problem here is the President, not Zarqawi and his fellow terrorists. He tells us that the WTC was destroyed by explosives someone set off in the basement of the buildings, presumably about an hour and fifteen minutes after the first plane hit the first building. Steve's analysis, based on pictures, reports of others and his understanding of physics, has not led to him questioning ANY of the scientific arguments involved – but to give lectures blaming his own government.
Since most of the physicists I know disagree with Steve, some of them rather vehemently, I’ll leave the physics to them. I am not a physicist but I was at one time, one of the building contractors hired by FEMA to inspect earthquake damage in the 1989 Santa Clara County earthquake.
I know that what is SUPPOSED to happen based on what the “experts” say and what often DOES happen – isn’t the same thing. I inspected buildings that slid down hills into the canyon below in spite of having been built at great expense, to comply with the latest earthquake design requirements and saw old buildings next door with no earthquake protection features with no damage at all. I also saw the total destruction of a house on the fault line in the Santa Clara Mountains and I inspected the house next door which was totally intact except for about 10 bricks that fell off its chimney. Clearly the Power that started the earthquake had not read the Santa Clara County building code.
Zarqawi said in his radio address to Syrians
“All that you hear from the liar of the White House that the situation in Iraq is continuously improving and that the Iraqi army began to shoulder its responsibilities and spread its control over Baghdad and other cities is sheer lies and forgery. By God, this army, which God's enemy, Bush, is inflating and behind which he is taking shelter against the strikes of the mujahidin, cannot protect itself from the swords of believers in God.”…
“God willing, what they are facing at the hands of the mujahidin will make them forget the horrors of Vietnam. What you have seen over the past days; namely, the pinpointed firing of rockets on the grandchildren of monkeys and pigs [derogatory reference to Jews] from southern Lebanon is the beginning of a blessed action to strike the Zionist enemy at the heart of its existence, God willing. …
“Let America and its ally, the state of Zion, know that liberating the city [Jerusalem], from which the messenger of Allah made his midnight journey to heaven, is in the essence of the Muslims' creed. The Muslims in Palestine are backed by a nation that does not tolerate injustice.”
I suspect “that nation” is Iran. The time is coming , perhaps sooner than we realize, when every American is going to have to decide which side of this war on terror they are actually on - Zarqawi's or George W. Bush’s. Do we sit back and watch as Iran and their Palestinian friends annihilate the Jews in the State of Israel? Or, do we take the side of Zarqawi and Iran, give up our various religions and just try to placate them?
For Al Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi's Demands the threats against America Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi Zarqawi's Declarations <> about Americans in Iraq.
For Steve Jones' paper Click Here: "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? <>