Teacher Under Fire For His Cheney - 9/11 Theory


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Teacher under fire for his Cheney-9/11 theory
State legislators demand college bar him from teaching Islam course



Vice President Dick Cheney speaks on July 17. Kevin Barrett thinks Cheney organized the 9/11 attacks.

Friday, July 21, 2006; Posted: 2:29 p.m. EDT (18:29 GMT)

MADISON, Wisconsin (AP) -- More than 60 state lawmakers are urging the University of Wisconsin-Madison to fire an instructor who has argued that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 terrorist attacks.

A letter sent Thursday and signed by 52 Assembly representatives and nine state senators condemns a decision to let Kevin Barrett teach an introductory class on Islam this fall.

U.W.-Madison Provost Pat Farrell launched a review after Barrett spoke last month on a talk show about his views that the terrorist attacks were the result of a government conspiracy to spark war in the Middle East. After the review, Farrell said Barrett was a qualified instructor who can present his views as one perspective on the attacks.

Barrett has said he thinks the most likely theory about the 9/11 plot is that it was an "inside job" organized and commanded by Vice President Dick Cheney.(Watch why Barrett thinks Dick Cheney authorized 9/11 -- 1:45)

"I still have every expectation this will be a very positive educational experience for our students," Farrell said Thursday. "Some are upset about Mr. Barrett's viewpoints on 9/11 and don't want to pay much attention to what makes for a quality educational experience."

Republican Rep. Steve Nass said the lawmakers' letter, which called Barrett's views "academically dishonest," sends a strong message to top U.W. leaders.

"When 61 legislators condemn a decision by U.W.-Madison and demand the dismissal of Kevin Barrett, the leadership of the U.W. System operates at its own peril if it continues to ignore views of the taxpayers," Nass said in a statement.

Barrett has said Nass was "only interested in name-calling and witch hunting."

The state Assembly last week refused to take up a proposed resolution supported by Nass calling on university to fire Barrett, who will get $8,247 as a part-time instructor this fall.

In Colorado, another professor has been under fire for an essay likening white-collar victims of the September 11 attacks to Nazi official Adolf Eichmann, a key planner of the Holocaust.

University of Colorado officials concluded that ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill could not be fired over the essay because of free-speech protections, but they launched an investigation into allegations of academic misconduct.

A faculty committee concluded he committed research misconduct and university officials said last month that he should be fired. Churchill has appealed to keep his job.
OH Snap! CNN coverage.

On a side note: Gold, I just re-read Kevin's letter from a few days ago. He mentioned your name. Cheers mate.
Eckolaker said:
OH Snap! CNN coverage.

On a side note: Gold, I just re-read Kevin's letter from a few days ago. He mentioned your name. Cheers mate.

He and I are becoming friends.
Eckolaker said:
Good to hear. He's the type of friend you'd want to have.

He seems nice, he has a sense of humor, he is very good at debating 9/11, but...

He's just a newbie. ;) I think 2004/2005 is when he made the switch.

Not holding that against him. Just showing you who da 'man. :)
Gold9472 said:
Were you on Howard Stern's Bulletin Board? You used to pal around with Christopher didn't you?

Yes, and Yes. Although I never really pal'd around with Chris. However, I still keep in contact with him today.

Thats where I met you Jon, was on Howard's board. You started posting under the thread Chris and I had started. You were like one of 5 people that was debunking the skeptics. I remember you trying to get on the Stern show. (I thought you had a call into the show one time, and Howard didnt even let you talk and you were off the air in like 2 minutes?)
Eckolaker said:
Yes, and Yes. Although I never really pal'd around with Chris. However, I still keep in contact with him today.

Thats where I met you Jon, was on Howard's board. You started posting under the thread Chris and I had started. You were like one of 5 people that was debunking the skeptics. I remember you trying to get on the Stern show. (I thought you had a call into the show one time, and Howard didnt even let you talk and you were off the air in like 2 minutes?)

Debunking the skeptics? You mean I was debunking people in the movement?

I was supposed to be on Howard's show once I think. I remember talking to a Mike about it being set up... apparently, they received calls from people on the board asking to have me on. It never happened. I never talked to Mike again, and before you knew it, the board closed down.
Gold9472 said:
Debunking the skeptics? You mean I was debunking people in the movement?

I was supposed to be on Howard's show once I think. I remember talking to a Mike about it being set up... apparently, they received calls from people on the board asking to have me on. It never happened. I never talked to Mike again, and before you knew it, the board closed down.

Sorry, when I refer to skeptics, I mean those folks who believe the official version.