System Planning Corporation


Staff member
System Planning Corporation

(Gold9472: Links added by me.)

According to Mark Robinowitz, someone who has been a dick to dz (and if I post anything else from Mark Robinowitz, you can be sure that I will continue to remind people of that until he removes from his list of "Disinfo Sites"), said:

"One of the companies that manufactures remote control flight systems for planes is the military contractor System Planning Corporation. One of its officials was Dov Zakheim, a project participant in the Project for a New American Century “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” report that concluded a “new Pearl Harbor” was needed to implement the neo-conservative agenda for global domination.

From 2001 through early 2004, Mr. Zakheim was the Comptroller of the Pentagon, in charge of the money flow (a little noticed but extremely important position). On September 10, the day before the “attacks,” Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to admit that $2.3 trillion (not billion) was “missing” from Defense Department financial systems. The timing of this press conference seemed calculated to bury this extraordinary confession under the events of 9/11. Information about this press conference is still archived in mass media websites such as CBS (see for details). The case of the missing trillions is also described in Crossing the Rubicon.

It is probably not possible to prove 100% that remote control was used to guide the planes to their targets, but it is the only theory that fits the proven evidence. The black boxes retrieved from the World Trade Center and Pentagon crash sites would confirm or refute this accusation, but their hiding is a form of evidence suppression that indicates the evidence on these recorders would not support the official story."

So... I just sent them this email...

[email protected], [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern,

Does "System Planning Corporation" make technology that allows aircraft to be remotely controlled from the ground? If so, how long has this technology existed? Any documentation on the subject would be greatly appreciated.


Jon Gold
Address included...
Former Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and Chief Financial Officer

Dov S. Zakheim was sworn in as the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Defense on May 4, 2001. Dr. Zakheim has previously served in a number of key positions in government and private business. Most recently, he was corporate vice president of System Planning Corp., a technology, research and analysis firm based in Arlington, Va. He also served as chief executive officer of SPC International Corp., a subsidiary specializing in political, military and economic consulting. During the 2000 presidential campaign, he served as a senior foreign policy advisor to then-Governor Bush.

From 1985 until March 1987, Dr. Zakheim was Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Planning and Resources in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy). In that capacity, he played an active role in the Department's system acquisition and strategic planning processes. Dr. Zakheim held a variety of other DoD posts from 1981 to 1985. Earlier, he was employed by the National Security and International Affairs Division of the Congressional Budget Office.

Dr. Zakheim has been a participant on a number of government, corporate, non-profit and charitable boards. His government service includes terms on the United States Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad; the Task Force on Defense Reform (1997); the first Board of Visitors of the Department of Defense Overseas Regional Schools (1998); and the Defense Science Board task force on "The Impact of DoD Acquisition Policies on the Health of the Defense Industry" (2000).

A 1970 graduate of Columbia University with a bachelor's in government, Dr. Zakheim also studied at the London School of Economics. He earned his doctorate in economics and politics at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, where he was graduate fellow in programs of both the National Science Foundation and Columbia College, and then a research fellow. Dr. Zakheim has been an adjunct professor at the National War College, Yeshiva University, Columbia University and Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., where he was presidential scholar.

Dr. Zakheim has written, lectured and provided media commentary on national defense and foreign policy issues domestically and internationally. He is the author of "Flight of the Lavi: Inside a U.S.-Israeli Crisis" (Brassey's, 1996), "Congress and National Security in the Post-Cold War Era" (The Nixon Center, 1998), "Toward a Fortress Europe?" (Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2000), and numerous articles and chapters in books.
Mr. Gold -

Thank you for your inquiry. We do not design or manufacture the technology you mention. The full range of our products and services can be viewed on our website at:

James M. Kudla
Vice President, Corporate Communications
System Planning Corporation
1000 Wilson Blvd, 30th fl.
Arlington, VA 22209-2211
Gold9472 said:
Mr. Gold -

Thank you for your inquiry. We do not design or manufacture the technology you mention. The full range of our products and services can be viewed on our website at:

James M. Kudla
Vice President, Corporate Communications
System Planning Corporation
1000 Wilson Blvd, 30th fl.
Arlington, VA 22209-2211

Mr. Kudia,

Thank you for getting back to me. Are there any companies that currently make this technology, and if so, do you happen to know the name(s) of them?

Thank you for your time.

Jon Gold
Is he lying?

Command Transmitter System

System Planning Corproation's Command Transmitter Systems (CTS) provide remote control and flight termination functions through a fully-redundant self-contained solid-state system.

The exciter incorporates state-of-the-art Direct-Digital-Synthesis technology to simultaneously generate an RF carrier and up to 6 of 20 available standard IRIG-B tones. It has 20 watts of output power and an internal ferrite isolator. The exciter may also be used as a standalone unit.

High-Power Amplifier
The high-power amplifier (HPA) is solid-state, dependable, and cool running, allowing continuous 1-kW output power at temperatures from 0o to 50oC, and from sea level to 30,000 feet AMSL. The Command Transmitter System is MIL-STD-461C qualified and designed to military standards for high MTBF and continuous 24-hour-per-day operation.

State-of-the-art CMOS micro-controllers provide full fault detection and reporting. High-power ferrite isolators allow full-power operation with antenna VSWRs up to 2:1. The HPA is designed for graceful degradation, which allows high-output power operation even with several amplifier modules inoperative. As an optional feature, each HPA sub-system is provided with an RF switch matrix that allows real-time replacement of HPA units.

External modulation inputs may be used to modulate the transmitters with externally-generated tones from 10 Hz to 100 kHz.

The system can be switched automatically or manually between transmitters. Automatic switching to the redudant system is completed in less than 5ms upon detection of an internal fault or at preset RF power thresholds. The system is mounted in two standard 60"-high racks for easy installation in mobile platforms. The roller-bearing, tiltable rack slides allow easy access within the chassis for low MTTR. CTS generally ships with front panel button operation for broadcast frequency and tones. Add-on options are available from SPC for remote control features. For more information on an integrated control system, see SPC's Flight Termination System
Mr. Kudla,

I was wondering if you could tell me what applications the "Command Transmitter System" can be used for. What purpose does this technology serve?

Thank you again for your time,

Jon Gold
If so, how long has this technology existed?

Well I don't know about SPC's technology, but the ability to remotely fly jumbo jets has existed since at least 1984 - see here. I thought the whole remote control thing was the stuff of fantasy until I saw that - someone emailed it to me in 2004, just saying "how cool is this?" - no 911 connections or anything. And I was shocked that such technology actually existed - I mean, I knew about UAV etc, but they're a lot smaller than jumbos.
Partridge said:
Well I don't know about SPC's technology, but the ability to remotely fly jumbo jets has existed since at least 1984 - see here. I thought the whole remote control thing was the stuff of fantasy until I saw that - someone emailed it to me in 2004, just saying "how cool is this?" - no 911 connections or anything. And I was shocked that such technology actually existed - I mean, I knew about UAV etc, but they're a lot smaller than jumbos.

That's an interesting page... I'd never seen that before...

"Before the final flight on December 1, 1984, more then four years of effort passed trying to set-up final impact conditions considered survivable by the FAA. During those years while 14 flights with crews were flown the following major efforts were underway: NASA Dryden developed the remote piloting techniques necessary for the B-720 to fly as a drone aircraft; General Electric installed and tested four degraders (one on each engine); and the FAA refined AMK (blending, testing, and fueling a full size aircraft)."

Ok... but does the technology exist that can "take-over" a plane, or does the plane have to be "fitted" with that technology? That's what I would like to know... and the closest explanation that I've found was by a researcher named, Joe Vialls. I have a whole thread dedicated to it here.