System Planning Corporation
(Gold9472: Links added by me.)
According to Mark Robinowitz, someone who has been a dick to dz (and if I post anything else from Mark Robinowitz, you can be sure that I will continue to remind people of that until he removes from his list of "Disinfo Sites"), said:
"One of the companies that manufactures remote control flight systems for planes is the military contractor System Planning Corporation. One of its officials was Dov Zakheim, a project participant in the Project for a New American Century “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” report that concluded a “new Pearl Harbor” was needed to implement the neo-conservative agenda for global domination.
From 2001 through early 2004, Mr. Zakheim was the Comptroller of the Pentagon, in charge of the money flow (a little noticed but extremely important position). On September 10, the day before the “attacks,” Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to admit that $2.3 trillion (not billion) was “missing” from Defense Department financial systems. The timing of this press conference seemed calculated to bury this extraordinary confession under the events of 9/11. Information about this press conference is still archived in mass media websites such as CBS (see for details). The case of the missing trillions is also described in Crossing the Rubicon.
It is probably not possible to prove 100% that remote control was used to guide the planes to their targets, but it is the only theory that fits the proven evidence. The black boxes retrieved from the World Trade Center and Pentagon crash sites would confirm or refute this accusation, but their hiding is a form of evidence suppression that indicates the evidence on these recorders would not support the official story."
So... I just sent them this email...
[email protected], [email protected]
To Whom It May Concern,
Does "System Planning Corporation" make technology that allows aircraft to be remotely controlled from the ground? If so, how long has this technology existed? Any documentation on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
Jon Gold
Address included...
(Gold9472: Links added by me.)
According to Mark Robinowitz, someone who has been a dick to dz (and if I post anything else from Mark Robinowitz, you can be sure that I will continue to remind people of that until he removes from his list of "Disinfo Sites"), said:
"One of the companies that manufactures remote control flight systems for planes is the military contractor System Planning Corporation. One of its officials was Dov Zakheim, a project participant in the Project for a New American Century “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” report that concluded a “new Pearl Harbor” was needed to implement the neo-conservative agenda for global domination.
From 2001 through early 2004, Mr. Zakheim was the Comptroller of the Pentagon, in charge of the money flow (a little noticed but extremely important position). On September 10, the day before the “attacks,” Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to admit that $2.3 trillion (not billion) was “missing” from Defense Department financial systems. The timing of this press conference seemed calculated to bury this extraordinary confession under the events of 9/11. Information about this press conference is still archived in mass media websites such as CBS (see for details). The case of the missing trillions is also described in Crossing the Rubicon.
It is probably not possible to prove 100% that remote control was used to guide the planes to their targets, but it is the only theory that fits the proven evidence. The black boxes retrieved from the World Trade Center and Pentagon crash sites would confirm or refute this accusation, but their hiding is a form of evidence suppression that indicates the evidence on these recorders would not support the official story."
So... I just sent them this email...
[email protected], [email protected]
To Whom It May Concern,
Does "System Planning Corporation" make technology that allows aircraft to be remotely controlled from the ground? If so, how long has this technology existed? Any documentation on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
Jon Gold
Address included...