Statements from the NYC CAN Executive Council - May 4, 2009
Dear Friends Around the World,
We, the 9/11 Family Members, First Responders and Survivors who make up the Executive Council of the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now, would like to announce our profound dedication to establishing an independent, impartial, subpoena-powered investigation into the events of September 11, 2001. We stand together with you, our fellow citizens, to place this important referendum on the New York City ballot on November 3, 2009.
Each one of us has a different story and a different reason for becoming part of this journey, but we have united for this purpose and this purpose alone: to establish an independent, impartial, subpoena-powered investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.
As 9/11 Family Members, First Responders and Survivors of those tragic moments, our lives were irreversibly devastated. Below, we describe our pain and our quest for closure. We hope you will join us in this quest – it is of paramount importance for our personal and collective healing, and for the betterment of our world.
Donna Marsh O’Connor, Mother of Vanessa Lang Langer:
As the world moves further and further away from the actual events of 9/11/2001 both in time and spirit, and as 9/11 effaces into yet another simple story cast in history, as the parent of Vanessa Lang Langer lost as the towers fell, I want to let it go. I want to stop talking about 9/11. I am tired of the questions unasked and unanswered. I am tired of the effort to burst yet another happiness bubble in our collective American psyche. And, too, I am tired of talking about Vanessa's death. Better for my family, in the immediacy of trying to live out our present days, to focus on Vanessa's life. To laugh at her memories and revel in pictures of her beautiful face. If it were only for the present and the joys I can still share with my children, my family and my fellow citizens, not just of this country but the world, I would let it go. I would so let it go.
But there is, after all literally, the future. And the future never relied so heavily on redress of questions unanswered in the present. To first ask and then answer what happened that day. Who committed this crime? Who should be held accountable? That is why I support the NYC CAN Ballot Initiative, and I ask for your support as well. It is beyond time for an investigation. It is beyond time.
Helen and Bob McIlvaine, Parents of Bobby McIlvaine:
Dear Citizens of New York City,
We lost our son Bobby on September 11, 2001. The death of a child is a pain like no other, compounded by the fact that this wonderful young man was murdered. When a crime as heinous as this takes place, it is assumed that justice will be served and the perpetrators will be discovered and punished. Much to our dismay, this has not taken place. We only want the truth.
Our only hope, at this juncture, is to support the NYC CAN Ballot Initiative, calling for an unbiased and non-political investigation of our son’s murder.
Jean Canavan, Sister-in-Law of Sean Canavan:
On September 11, 2001, my brother-in-law, Sean Canavan, was taken from our family in such a tragic way that there is no “getting over it”. That day was devastating for so many people but the pain is worsened when so many questions are left unanswered and no one is held accountable. How is it acceptable that the 9/11 Commission resulted in more questions than answers? How is it acceptable that Co-chairs of the Commission, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, are able to publish a book stating that the Commission was “Set up to fail” and that they were lied to by NORAD officials? Are we to just accept what the government has told us? The truth is that we don’t know what happened because the truth hasn’t been told. There will continue to be speculation until an impartial, independent investigation is done and the truth is told, whatever that may be. New York City CAN do it.
Reverend Edith Beaujon, First Responder:
I was a First Responder at Ground Zero with the Red Cross working for several days without a mask. I have had numerous health problems that are related to working at Ground Zero including pneumonia, and an autoimmune syndrome that has been identified as related to being at Ground Zero. Now I have excess toxins in my body including mercury, lead, tin and others that are causing health issues, for which I have had to spend thousands of dollars.
I do not believe there was a thorough investigation of the events of 9/11 and I would like to see an independent investigation conducted.
Janette MacKinlay, Survivor:
As I watched the events of 9/11 unfold before my eyes from my apartment window directly across the street from the World Trade Center towers, I never dreamed it would change my life and the lives of people around the world in such a profound and destructive way. I was covered with dust as debris poured into our burst window. Every breath brought dust into me. At that penetrating and traumatizing moment September 11th became a permanent part of me. My recovery from PTSD has been one of art to heal my soul and psyche, and activism to right the wrongs committed that day.
The well-documented omissions and distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report have left a black cloud of doubt over America. A new independent investigation is imperative to lift this cloud. The future safety and well being of our children and grandchildren depend on this, as does the future safety and well being of everyone around the world. It is for these reasons I pray we can have the unity of purpose to support NYC CAN. All of our support is critical. Every person counts. We need to seize this moment.
William Rodriguez, Survivor:
The events of 9/11/01 changed my life forever. I came to work that day not expecting to be a hero, but by the end of the day, I was. And yet, though they say I am a hero, they, the government officials, the 9/11 Commission and the major media, have all ignored my story: many explosions occurred that morning, explosions that were not related to the impact of the planes. As I learned later, my story did not fit the story the government told. They covered up my testimony. At long last though, the New York Coalition for Accountability Now, sponsors of this ballot initiative, are aiming to bring about a real investigation of what really happened that day. That is why I wholeheartedly endorse their efforts and have agreed and am honored to join their Executive Council. We need to bring closure for the victim’s families and friends, for us all, and the only way to do that is to bring about a full and thorough investigation of 9/11. NYC CAN can do it!
Thank you for your continued support.
Donna Marsh O’Connor
Helen and Bob McIlvaine
Jean Canavan
Edith Beaujon
Janette MacKinlay
William Rodriguez
The New York City Coalition for Accountability Now
Dear Friends Around the World,
We, the 9/11 Family Members, First Responders and Survivors who make up the Executive Council of the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now, would like to announce our profound dedication to establishing an independent, impartial, subpoena-powered investigation into the events of September 11, 2001. We stand together with you, our fellow citizens, to place this important referendum on the New York City ballot on November 3, 2009.
Each one of us has a different story and a different reason for becoming part of this journey, but we have united for this purpose and this purpose alone: to establish an independent, impartial, subpoena-powered investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.
As 9/11 Family Members, First Responders and Survivors of those tragic moments, our lives were irreversibly devastated. Below, we describe our pain and our quest for closure. We hope you will join us in this quest – it is of paramount importance for our personal and collective healing, and for the betterment of our world.
Donna Marsh O’Connor, Mother of Vanessa Lang Langer:
As the world moves further and further away from the actual events of 9/11/2001 both in time and spirit, and as 9/11 effaces into yet another simple story cast in history, as the parent of Vanessa Lang Langer lost as the towers fell, I want to let it go. I want to stop talking about 9/11. I am tired of the questions unasked and unanswered. I am tired of the effort to burst yet another happiness bubble in our collective American psyche. And, too, I am tired of talking about Vanessa's death. Better for my family, in the immediacy of trying to live out our present days, to focus on Vanessa's life. To laugh at her memories and revel in pictures of her beautiful face. If it were only for the present and the joys I can still share with my children, my family and my fellow citizens, not just of this country but the world, I would let it go. I would so let it go.
But there is, after all literally, the future. And the future never relied so heavily on redress of questions unanswered in the present. To first ask and then answer what happened that day. Who committed this crime? Who should be held accountable? That is why I support the NYC CAN Ballot Initiative, and I ask for your support as well. It is beyond time for an investigation. It is beyond time.
Helen and Bob McIlvaine, Parents of Bobby McIlvaine:
Dear Citizens of New York City,
We lost our son Bobby on September 11, 2001. The death of a child is a pain like no other, compounded by the fact that this wonderful young man was murdered. When a crime as heinous as this takes place, it is assumed that justice will be served and the perpetrators will be discovered and punished. Much to our dismay, this has not taken place. We only want the truth.
Our only hope, at this juncture, is to support the NYC CAN Ballot Initiative, calling for an unbiased and non-political investigation of our son’s murder.
Jean Canavan, Sister-in-Law of Sean Canavan:
On September 11, 2001, my brother-in-law, Sean Canavan, was taken from our family in such a tragic way that there is no “getting over it”. That day was devastating for so many people but the pain is worsened when so many questions are left unanswered and no one is held accountable. How is it acceptable that the 9/11 Commission resulted in more questions than answers? How is it acceptable that Co-chairs of the Commission, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, are able to publish a book stating that the Commission was “Set up to fail” and that they were lied to by NORAD officials? Are we to just accept what the government has told us? The truth is that we don’t know what happened because the truth hasn’t been told. There will continue to be speculation until an impartial, independent investigation is done and the truth is told, whatever that may be. New York City CAN do it.
Reverend Edith Beaujon, First Responder:
I was a First Responder at Ground Zero with the Red Cross working for several days without a mask. I have had numerous health problems that are related to working at Ground Zero including pneumonia, and an autoimmune syndrome that has been identified as related to being at Ground Zero. Now I have excess toxins in my body including mercury, lead, tin and others that are causing health issues, for which I have had to spend thousands of dollars.
I do not believe there was a thorough investigation of the events of 9/11 and I would like to see an independent investigation conducted.
Janette MacKinlay, Survivor:
As I watched the events of 9/11 unfold before my eyes from my apartment window directly across the street from the World Trade Center towers, I never dreamed it would change my life and the lives of people around the world in such a profound and destructive way. I was covered with dust as debris poured into our burst window. Every breath brought dust into me. At that penetrating and traumatizing moment September 11th became a permanent part of me. My recovery from PTSD has been one of art to heal my soul and psyche, and activism to right the wrongs committed that day.
The well-documented omissions and distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report have left a black cloud of doubt over America. A new independent investigation is imperative to lift this cloud. The future safety and well being of our children and grandchildren depend on this, as does the future safety and well being of everyone around the world. It is for these reasons I pray we can have the unity of purpose to support NYC CAN. All of our support is critical. Every person counts. We need to seize this moment.
William Rodriguez, Survivor:
The events of 9/11/01 changed my life forever. I came to work that day not expecting to be a hero, but by the end of the day, I was. And yet, though they say I am a hero, they, the government officials, the 9/11 Commission and the major media, have all ignored my story: many explosions occurred that morning, explosions that were not related to the impact of the planes. As I learned later, my story did not fit the story the government told. They covered up my testimony. At long last though, the New York Coalition for Accountability Now, sponsors of this ballot initiative, are aiming to bring about a real investigation of what really happened that day. That is why I wholeheartedly endorse their efforts and have agreed and am honored to join their Executive Council. We need to bring closure for the victim’s families and friends, for us all, and the only way to do that is to bring about a full and thorough investigation of 9/11. NYC CAN can do it!
Thank you for your continued support.
Donna Marsh O’Connor
Helen and Bob McIlvaine
Jean Canavan
Edith Beaujon
Janette MacKinlay
William Rodriguez
The New York City Coalition for Accountability Now