Sibel Edmonds, George Tenet's Lies, And Al-Qaeda's Nukes


Staff member
Sibel Edmonds, George Tenet's lies, and al Qaeda's nukes

by Luke Ryland
Thu May 03, 2007 at 05:09:20 AM PDT

While we're piling on George Tenet, I wanted to pick up on one particular lie from his 60 Minutes interview.

Tenet says "If al Qaeda were to acquire nuclear capability, the thousands of weapons we have would be irrelevant."

According to previous articles by former FBI translator & whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, Tenet's statement appears to be a lie.

In Sibel's Nov 06 blockbuster article "The Highjacking of a Nation" where she outlines her case for all to see, she writes:

"Here is what CIA Director Porter Goss said bluntly before the Senate Intelligence Committee in February 2004,

"It may be only a matter of time before Al Qaeda or other groups attempt to use chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons. We must focus on that."

And we know that he knows; has known for the longest time!"

I asked Sibel if that means what I thought she means - that al Qaeda has nuclear weapons - and she confirmed that's what she meant. (Granted, Sibel's definition of al Qaeda sometimes appear to diverge from what is commonly known as 'al Qaeda.' I'll have more on that in a later post).

If ex-CIA Director Porter Goss has known this 'for the longest time' - then ex-CIA Director George Tenet surely must also know the same. So we know Tenet is lying about that. And that's troubling.

Of course, when we're dealing with Sibel Edmonds' case, there's so much that's troubling...

It's troubling to know that al Qaeda has nukes. It's troubling to know that at least two CIA Directors, Tenet and Goss, are lying about what they know. It's troubling that al Qaeda got these nukes with the help of people in the US government. It's troubling that the US government agencies (FBI, CIA) have known about this all along, and done nothing about it. (see here for supporting documentation)

In other Sibel news, we still haven't had an answer from Waxman's office regarding "Let Sibel Edmonds Speak" - our call for new public hearings into her case. It looks like we'll have some new content to work off toward the end of next week - and we'll use that to put pressure on Waxman again. I'll keep you posted. (let me know if you want to get on my mailing list for whenever I have new Sibel-related news)