Rep. McKinney To Hold All Day Briefing On 9/11 - Exposing Sham Of 9/11 Report


Staff member
Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 -- Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report

Friday, July 15, 2005 - 06:47 AM
Contact: John Judge, staff assistant 202-225-1605

July 22nd Congressional Briefing:
The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later:
A Citizens’ Response – Did They Get It Right?

On July 22, 2005, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) will host a full-day briefing, co-sponsored by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and other sponsors, for Members of Congress and their staffs in the Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345, Independence Ave. & First Street SE, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. One year after the release of the 9/11 Commission Final Report many questions about what transpired on September 11, 2001 and who should be held accountable still remain unanswered. Serious flaws and omissions in the Report have been addressed by whistleblowers and academics. Well known researchers and authors have put the events of that day into historical perspective, and have suggested possible alternatives to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission regarding intelligence reform, domestic and foreign policy. The hard evidence has yet to be properly evaluated, and points to the need for full transparency, release of information, and continued probative investigations to have an effective, democratic response to the crisis that confronts all of us.

Family members of the victims of 9/11 will present a “Report Card” to address their still unanswered questions about the events of 9/11 and the lack of accountability for the security and intelligence failures that may have allowed these events to happen. Other experts will speak to the flaws in the 9/11 Commission’s process, including conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, investigative rigor and public input, and the many whistleblowers ignored by the Commission.

One panel of experts will explore the omissions and errors in the Commission’s Final Report, including the timeline of NORAD/FAA and P-56 defense responses that day, the suspects and plot, the background of Al Qaeda and bin Laden, the involvement of other countries, the obstruction of investigations by the FBI and CIA, and foreknowledge and forewarnings prior to the attacks. Another panel will place 9/11 into historical perspective and look at the flawed assumptions that misled the Commission’s work, including the politics of illegal drugs, oil investments, covert operations and terrorism, as well as past covert operations like Contragate and the rise of the neo-conservatives and their agenda.

The last half of the day will be a critical examination by experts of the Commission’s recommendations concerning domestic and foreign policy and intelligence reforms, suggesting other alternatives and policies that could lead to real security and preserve civil liberties and democracy. Rep. McKinney will also address the need for further investigation and opening the evidence for public scrutiny.

A list of confirmed speakers so for includes:

Robert McIlvaine, father of 9/11 victim, member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows

Marilyn Rosenthal, mother of 9/11 victim, professor at U. of Michigan, expert on forewarnings to 9/11

Robert Baer, author of Sleeping with the Devil and See No Evil, former CIA

Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Truth, Director, Institute for Policy Research & Development

Jumana Musa, Amnesty International

Melvin Goodman, Fellow, Center for International Policy, former CIA

John Newman, Ph.D., professor University of West Virginia, former NSA analyst

Paul Thompson, author of The Terror Timeline

Elaine Cassel, author of The War on Civil Liberties, legal expert

William Michaels, author of No Greater Threat

Lauretta Napoleoni, author of Terror Incorporated: Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks

Anne Norton, author of Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire

Mary Rose Oaker, President, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, legal expert

Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D., professor UC Berkeley, author of Drugs, Oil and War, former Canadian diplomat

Murray Weiss, author of The Man Who Warned America concerning FBI agent John O’Neill who died on 9/11.
this is ausome stuff.. i am thinking that we should write up a proposal letter to CSPAN for people to email them to try to cover this conference..