Putin, Bush Disagree on Iran Nuclear Issue
Created: 17.09.2005 11:05 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 11:05 MSK, 7 hours 3 minutes ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave no support to his U.S. counterpart George W. Bush in his bid to to bring Iran before the UN Security Council for possible sanctions and acknowledged he has not yet forged an international consensus on how to deal with Tehran’s alleged nuclear program.
After a meeting at the White House, Bush and Putin emerged to reaffirm their friendship and emphasize that they both oppose Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, the Washigton Post reported. But Putin offered no backing for the tougher approach favored by Bush to bring the weight of the United Nations to bear, and instead called for more diplomacy with Iran’s new leadership.
“The potential of diplomatic solutions to all these issues is far from exhausted,” Putin said at a joint news conference with Bush. “And we will undertake all steps necessary to settle all these problems and issues, not aggravate them. . . . We do not want our careless actions to lead to the development of events along the North Korean variant,” he told journalists meaning attempts to force Pyongyang to give up its own weapons program.
Putin, whose government is helping Iran build a civilian nuclear plant despite U.S. objections, said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured him in their meeting Thursday in New York that Iran does not want nuclear weapons. “We, of course, are against Iran becoming a nuclear power,” Putin said.
The meeting between Bush and Putin covered a range of other issues, including terrorism, energy and the fate of former Soviet republics. But it appeared a more workmanlike session than meetings earlier this year when the issue of Russia’s faltering democracy produced fireworks.
Bush offered a passing nod to the democracy question in his opening statement. Russia “will be an even stronger partner,” he said, “as the reforms that President Vladimir Putin has talked about are implemented — the rule of law and the ability for people to express themselves in an open way in Russia.”
Created: 17.09.2005 11:05 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 11:05 MSK, 7 hours 3 minutes ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave no support to his U.S. counterpart George W. Bush in his bid to to bring Iran before the UN Security Council for possible sanctions and acknowledged he has not yet forged an international consensus on how to deal with Tehran’s alleged nuclear program.
After a meeting at the White House, Bush and Putin emerged to reaffirm their friendship and emphasize that they both oppose Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, the Washigton Post reported. But Putin offered no backing for the tougher approach favored by Bush to bring the weight of the United Nations to bear, and instead called for more diplomacy with Iran’s new leadership.
“The potential of diplomatic solutions to all these issues is far from exhausted,” Putin said at a joint news conference with Bush. “And we will undertake all steps necessary to settle all these problems and issues, not aggravate them. . . . We do not want our careless actions to lead to the development of events along the North Korean variant,” he told journalists meaning attempts to force Pyongyang to give up its own weapons program.
Putin, whose government is helping Iran build a civilian nuclear plant despite U.S. objections, said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured him in their meeting Thursday in New York that Iran does not want nuclear weapons. “We, of course, are against Iran becoming a nuclear power,” Putin said.
The meeting between Bush and Putin covered a range of other issues, including terrorism, energy and the fate of former Soviet republics. But it appeared a more workmanlike session than meetings earlier this year when the issue of Russia’s faltering democracy produced fireworks.
Bush offered a passing nod to the democracy question in his opening statement. Russia “will be an even stronger partner,” he said, “as the reforms that President Vladimir Putin has talked about are implemented — the rule of law and the ability for people to express themselves in an open way in Russia.”