Open Letter To The 9/11 PDP, Challenge To A Debate And Forum On Findings Of 9/11 Rep.


Staff member
OPEN LETTER to the 9/11 Public Discourse Project -- Challenge to a Debate and Forum on the Findings of the 9/11 Report

[Hand delivered early afternoon -- September 14th, 2005]

9/11 Public Discourse Project
One DuPont Circle, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036

September 14, 2005

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

During your recent appearance with Brian Lamb on C-SPAN's Washington Journal, you issued a public challenge to those who doubted or questioned the findings of your 9/11 Commission. In the spirit and treasured tradition in this democratic Republic of open public debate, and in the interest of serving the truth, 9/11 CitizenWatch would like to meet that challenge. We propose a formal public debate and forum to examine the findings of the 9/11 Report and provide opportunity for whistleblowers, academics and investigators to challenge those findings. We propose that this debate or forum be moderated and facilitated by former members of the Family Steering Committee who were primarily responsible for the Commission's formation following a year of lobbying. 9/11 CitizensWatch will approach them independently. Representatives McKinney (D-GA) and Grijalva (D-AZ) have begun to meet your C-SPAN issued challenge in their July 22nd Congressional Breifing on Capitol Hill. Many whistleblowers have as well including most recently Lt. Col. Shaffer of Able Danger. Now 9/11 CitizensWatch would like to join that effort and formally issue a challenge in turn to you and your Public Discourse Project. Join us in public debate now -- examine new and ignored evidence under the ever watchful eye of the 9/11 families and other concerned Americans. Should you accept, we trust together can settle on a suitable and appropriate time and venue.

Will you live up to your namesake, meet this challenge and join us in vital public discourse relative to the tragic events of September 11th? For the sake of the country and the truth, we hope you do.

Thank you for your consideration.

In Service of the Truth,

Kyle F. Hence
Co-founder, 9/11 CitizensWatch

[email protected] Note from the Author: I delivered this signed letter personally to Mr. Hamilton after I was prevented from personally addressing the former Commissioners early this afternoon at a Press Conference of the so-called "Public Discourse" Project at the Ronald Reagon Building in Washington, DC.. Mr. Hamilton refused to take it from me directly, not pausing at all in a hasty departure, telling me I should send it to his staff, so I was forced to slip into his half open leather attache to be sure he himself had an opportunity to see that CitizensWatch is attempting to answer his challenge, willing to bring forward evidence countervailing their 9/11 Report. Will he or his fellow Commissioners answer ours? This long time observer, now confronting the 9/11 PDP, is not holding his breath.

Only a reporter from Pacifica/WBAI was interested in what is was that compelled me to speak out. Though Newsweek's Michael Isikoff did ask me a few questions on his way out.

Good news. There were some pressing questions with follow up from members of the press regarding Able Danger and I think it's fair to say, all this focus on the spiked data-mining program and apparent cover-up is getting under the skin of Commissioners. Look for the Spector hearings on Capitol Hill next Wednesday at 9:30AM. Ask C-SPAN to cover it live!

--Kyle F. Hence
Did Ptech make some kind of artificial software? For real, is this true and did it really happen?

therevolution said:
Did Ptech make some kind of artificial software? For real, is this true and did it really happen?


They had software within the FAA, and supplied software to several other Government agencies including the Secret Service, etc... They were investigated after 9/11, but they didn't find anything "wrong".
I've read though that the PTech software can actually change things, like flight registers, air-traffic control and manipulate sfotware code.

Is this really true? Who designed this software, was it Indri herself or was it one of the Al-Quadis who own it?
Here's a transcript from an Ari Fleischer press briefing.

"Q How about the PTech raid in Boston? Could you talk about what, if any, role the White House had in overseeing this or even being involved in it? And also are you completely assured that there's no problems with any of the software that this company --

MR. FLEISCHER: Yes, thank you for asking that, because earlier at this morning's off-camera briefing, somebody said -- described this as White House orchestrated. And I went back and took a look at the actual report that accurately described it as White House coordinated, meaning the White House is coordinated with it. The White House didn't orchestrate this; this is a law enforcement matter.

But, as you can always imagine, and has happened before and you're very familiar and aware with it, that anything that may be terrorist related, of course, gets coordinated with the White House. The White House wants to know about things of this nature. But these things are done by the law enforcement community for law enforcement reasons and for law enforcement purposes, and that was the case here.

This is a law enforcement matter. The U.S. Attorney in Massachusetts is the proper authority to discuss any of this. It was a Customs Service operation involving the potential for terrorist connections in this company and, beyond that, it's law-enforcement sensitive.

The one thing I can share with you is that the products that were supplied by this company to the government all fell in the nonclassified area. None of it involved any classified products used by the government. The material has been reviewed by the appropriate government agencies, and they have detected absolutely nothing in their reports to the White House that would lead to any concern about any of the products purchased from this company.

Q Who are they talking about -- a cyber office here or --

MR. FLEISCHER: No, I think it's more some of the experts in technology and software, things of that nature."
therevolution said:
I've read though that the PTech software can actually change things, like flight registers, air-traffic control and manipulate sfotware code.

Is this really true? Who designed this software, was it Indri herself or was it one of the Al-Quadis who own it?

I admit, it's been a long time since I've read about them... Indira designed part of it from what I remember. I don't know about the other claims. If I do, I've forgetten about it...