McKinney To File Election Challenge


Staff member
McKinney to file election challenge

Brian Beutler
Published: Friday August 11, 2006

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), who lost Tuesday's runoff bid to challenger Hank Johnson, is seeking to legally contest the results after alleging that error-prone electronic voting machines and constituent disenfranchisement had caused her campaign to suffer.

RAW STORY has learned that, as of yesterday, her campaign officials had tallied 25 sworn affidavits and believed that several dozen more had yet to be counted.

Karon Edge-Fitzpatrick, a poll watcher for the McKinney campaign, told RAW STORY that she and other officials would be meeting with attorneys late yesterday to discuss available legal avenuea, but did not immediately return numerous calls for comment later in the afternoon and today.

The Atlanta Progressive News today published copies of two affidavits. One, written by voter Genie Armour noted:

“I came to cast my vote for Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Unfortunately, I experienced a problem that concerns me. When I touch the screen to vote for Ms. McKinney, it automatically record Mr. Johnson’s as though I had voted for him. I attempted to correct this mistake by retouching the screen, but it would not clear. So I had to go back to the instructions and then return (2-3 times) before I was able to clear the incorrect vote. Immediately after clearing the misvote and another voter had a similar complaint. He had voted for Congresswoman McKinney but it was recorded as a vote for Mr. Johnson. We immediately notified the poll worker and they told us that we could check our votes before we cast them at the end. I noticed before casting my vote that the block for Congress was cut off and could easily be overlooked if not careful.... My opinion is many voters will not take the time to check their selection and as a result an incorrect vote can easily be made.”

Another, from voter Albert Scott, read:

“Put card in the machine, scrolled the names down, the machine voted for the candidate on its own. Voter requested assistance from poll manager, voter was told by manager he couldn’t help him. Machine went to last page then ejected card and was told he couldn’t do it again.”

Late Tuesday afternoon, state election officials told RAW STORY they had “confirmed that there were no incidences of McKinney’s name being left off of ballots in District 4 when they should have been.”

McKinney was defeated by over 12,000 votes, a nearly 18 percent margin.

I read that the machines were voting for Hank when you pressed "Cynthia".

McKinney opponent rakes in pro-Israel cash

08.02.2006 | The Hill
Jonathan Allen

Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s primary run-off opponent has tapped into the pro-Israel fundraising network that helped her virtually unknown challenger Denise Majette topple McKinney and Artur Davis beat then-Rep. Earl Hilliard (D-Ala.) in a pair of hotly contested 2002 primaries in black-majority districts.

Hank Johnson collected at least $34,100 on Tuesday from individuals and political action committees (PACs) that supported Majette, Davis or both, including several pro-Israel PACs. Overall, Johnson reported receiving $63,100 on Tuesday.

The contributions were recorded in a filing with the Federal Election Commission that requires only donors of $1,000 or more to be identified, meaning Johnson’s haul could have been larger.

Seven pro-Israel PACs gave to Johnson on Tuesday: MOPAC in Michigan, Washington PAC in D.C., SUNPAC and National Action Committee PAC in Florida, CITYPAC in Chicago, Mid-Manhattan PAC in New York and Louisiana for American Security PAC. Five of the seven contributed to both Majette and Davis four years ago, according to FEC records. SUNPAC gave to Majette in 2002 and to Davis in 2004, while Mid-Manhattan PAC gave only to Davis in 2002.

Johnson’s fundraising has picked up significantly since McKinney was held to 47 percent – less than the majority needed to avoid an Aug. 8 runoff – in the primary contest held July 18. Johnson has reported $128,000 in contributions since the primary, compared with $33,300 for McKinney. Johnson’s one-day Tuesday take is nearly twice what McKinney reported in two weeks.

In her first stint in Congress, which began in 1993, McKinney angered pro-Israel donors and voters with positions that were viewed as hostile to Israel. Majette won backing from pro-Israel donors in a race that resembled the Alabama battle between Davis and Hilliard, who was also regarded as hostile to Israel. Davis and Majette had more than 200 common donors.

McKinney won back Atlanta’s 4th District seat in 2004 when Majette ran an ill-fated campaign for the Senate seat left open by the retirement of Democrat Zell Miller.
Michigan, Washington D.C., Florida, Chicago, New York and Louisiana PACs all donated money...

HOW IS THAT LEGAL? Surely they should be restricted to the districts they operate in? If that is not the law, then WHY ISN'T IT THE LAW?
Might I suggest that anyone who votes in November bring a camera or better yet a videocamera. It's one thing to claim the machine didn't register your vote correctly. It's another thing to show it.