Lorie Van Auken Writes A Letter To The Editor - NYTimes
Thanks to avid
Opposite the Editorial Page in the Letters to the Editor section, New York Times, July 7th
To the Editor:
Re "Naming Names at Ground Zero" (editorial, July 5):
My husband, Kenneth Van Auken, was murdered on 9/11. We searched endlessly for him after 9/11 to no avail.
For the last four and a half years, I have searched for answers as to how my government could have failed so miserably to protect its citizens. The 9/11 commission didn't provide answers to those questions.
Thus, when we ultimately visit the World Trade Center memorial, we don't want to have to search for anything anymore. We would appreciate being able, at the very least, to locate our loved one's name without further effort.
I received no remains from Ken's body. This is where he spent his last moments on earth. Who could possibly think that it's a good idea to make it difficult to find our loved one's names at this memorial?
Ken died with his co-workers. Nothing "random" about it.
Lorie Van Auken
East Brunswick, N.J.,July 6, 2006
Thanks to avid
Opposite the Editorial Page in the Letters to the Editor section, New York Times, July 7th
To the Editor:
Re "Naming Names at Ground Zero" (editorial, July 5):
My husband, Kenneth Van Auken, was murdered on 9/11. We searched endlessly for him after 9/11 to no avail.
For the last four and a half years, I have searched for answers as to how my government could have failed so miserably to protect its citizens. The 9/11 commission didn't provide answers to those questions.
Thus, when we ultimately visit the World Trade Center memorial, we don't want to have to search for anything anymore. We would appreciate being able, at the very least, to locate our loved one's name without further effort.
I received no remains from Ken's body. This is where he spent his last moments on earth. Who could possibly think that it's a good idea to make it difficult to find our loved one's names at this memorial?
Ken died with his co-workers. Nothing "random" about it.
Lorie Van Auken
East Brunswick, N.J.,July 6, 2006