Keith Phucas From The Times Herald Interviews Jon Gold
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1 hour and 30 minutes
Posted with Keith Phucas's permission
This interview was conducted by Keith Phucas from the Norristown Times Herald. It came about because I saw that he had written an article on Able Danger, and was local. I figured I would give him a call to see if he would cover other aspects of 9/11 Truth. At the time, he wasn't "working on" 9/11, but said he would contact me in the future if it was put back into his lap. Because of the release of United 93, that's what happened.
An article related to this interview will be released on May 21st in the Sunday Edition. We cover a lot... the Iraq War, 9/11, and a bunch more.
We were in a diner.
A VERY big thanks to Keith for giving me the opportunity.
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1 hour and 30 minutes
Posted with Keith Phucas's permission
This interview was conducted by Keith Phucas from the Norristown Times Herald. It came about because I saw that he had written an article on Able Danger, and was local. I figured I would give him a call to see if he would cover other aspects of 9/11 Truth. At the time, he wasn't "working on" 9/11, but said he would contact me in the future if it was put back into his lap. Because of the release of United 93, that's what happened.
An article related to this interview will be released on May 21st in the Sunday Edition. We cover a lot... the Iraq War, 9/11, and a bunch more.
We were in a diner.
A VERY big thanks to Keith for giving me the opportunity.