Keith Phucas From The Times Herald Interviews Jon Gold - Audio Inside


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Keith Phucas From The Times Herald Interviews Jon Gold

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1 hour and 30 minutes
Posted with Keith Phucas's permission

This interview was conducted by Keith Phucas from the Norristown Times Herald. It came about because I saw that he had written an article on Able Danger, and was local. I figured I would give him a call to see if he would cover other aspects of 9/11 Truth. At the time, he wasn't "working on" 9/11, but said he would contact me in the future if it was put back into his lap. Because of the release of United 93, that's what happened.

An article related to this interview will be released on May 21st in the Sunday Edition. We cover a lot... the Iraq War, 9/11, and a bunch more.

We were in a diner.

A VERY big thanks to Keith for giving me the opportunity. :)
Giddyup dude, feel free to upload it to Podcasts (if you've learned how to FTP yet).
ugh, this interview is rough.

you did great so far jon (about 2/3rds through), but this guy is continually plugging this disinformation book - a book i was given for christmas actually.

the idea that he thinks that book had no motive, or direction, or purely was researched based is a bit messed up i think.. he bought into that book way too much.
i have a copy, you could read it in a day or two prolly.
dazinith said:
ugh, this interview is rough.

you did great so far jon (about 2/3rds through), but this guy is continually plugging this disinformation book - a book i was given for christmas actually.

the idea that he thinks that book had no motive, or direction, or purely was researched based is a bit messed up i think.. he bought into that book way too much.
i have a copy, you could read it in a day or two prolly.

Thanks... I'm actually glad he made it "hard' because, as my boss likes to say, it got my "dego" on.
the quality really isnt bad, its just really large for the quality.. im listening with headphones.. levels are a bit low..

this guy is an appologist, or sympathizer, i mean he is just trying to make any excuse he can to cast real facts asside.. i think he got that from that 'disinformation' (title of the book) book.. its crazy.
dazinith said:
the quality really isnt bad, its just really large for the quality.. im listening with headphones.. levels are a bit low..

this guy is an appologist, or sympathizer, i mean he is just trying to make any excuse he can to cast real facts asside.. i think he got that from that 'disinformation' (title of the book) book.. its crazy.

Welp, he was nice enough to give me the time of day, so I can't completely fault him... however, I did put him in his place. Several times I think.

him: 'can you really cover everything?' (referring to ommissions by the commission report)

ugh, hello? we are talkinga bout the head of the pakistani ISI wiring 100,000$ to mohammed atta, and meeting with government officials on the day of 9/11.. not to mention the CIA's ties to the ISI in general.. jeezus, 'can you really cover everything?' that ommission is not an ommission of mistake, it was intentional - it was in the list of jersey girl questions, they avoided it, then claim they never heard of it.

appologist - i hope he wakes up.
Well... supposedly, he's in the middle of reading Dr. Griffin's second book. How can you read that and not wake up?
And I called him on that. Their mandate was to give a "Full & Complete Accounting", and they didn't.
Here's a re-encode of the audio that is Winamp friendly. It's slightly bigger (60mb) than the orginal, and I'm afraid I don't have the technology to fix the levels, but anyway:

(scroll down, click 'Free' and wait about 45 seconds before you can downlaod it).

Jon: You might want to host it here or on podcast cos that link will die in about a month. Also, I haven't listened to it yet.