Kean And Hamilton Fear Monger For Their Fuhrer - Video Inside


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9/11 commissioners berate government

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Jun 7, 2006, 16:28 GMT

WASHINGTON, DC, United States (UPI) -- The U.S. Congress has received scant praise and much criticism for its pace in strengthening national security from former head of the Sept. 11 Commission.

Speaking to the House Government Reform Committee, Tom Kean, former chairman of the disbanded commission, gave a failing grade to decisions to cut spending on security for New York and Washington, ABC News reported.

'It`s very hard to give below an F. If I could, I might,' Kean said. '(Osama) bin Laden wants to target New York again, he wants to target Washington. Those are his two prime targets.'

Other members also claimed there is poor management at the Transportation Security Administration, and still others expressed concern about reform within the FBI, the report said.

Lee Hamilton, the commission`s vice chairman, said the agency`s computers are out of date and have a limited ability to share critical information, hobbling its ability to evaluate threats.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney is absolutely disgusting with her praise of the 9/11 Report, and of Kean and Hamilton. Just fucking disgusting.